--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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My ears have been draining big time today. Nasal drip has been bad. Praying it won't turn into a sinus infection.

Ate dinner with a coworker, starting feeling nauseous on the walk back to my car. Montezuma spent the night, and rode into work with me. I don't know where it's all coming from. There shouldn't physically be anything left to come out short of childhood memories.

Why did you eat at Taco Bell then?

Hope you feel better Supe.

Could I be developing allergies when I never had them as a child and young adult? Ear pressure, runny nose, sinus pressure, and scratchy throat for the past few days and I'm not sure if its a seasonal thing or I caught something from someone.

Our youngest was under the weather prior to me but we determined that his issue was most likely teething (molars).

Yes. In fact, I have developed very specific food allergies in recent years, despite having no issues as a child.

How long does it take for a ruptured ear drum to heal? I've already looked it up but just wondered if anyone had any personal experience with it.
