I'm glad that it wasn't more serious! Heal up quickly, and in the meantime, kill off the pain with a couple of my friends...Jack and Daniels.Deep powder on Copper Mountain yesterday. I didn't see that little tree in the bottom of a trough.
Did you know that you can actually hear your calf muscle tear? I'll be off the slopes for a month or so. It could be worse, I thought is was the achilles at first.
Major props to the Copper Ski Patrol for getting my large self off a steep bump run, back over the mountain and down the front side to the clinic.
FYI...the storm front coming up through the midwest feels like it is going to be a dousy.
Deep powder on Copper Mountain yesterday. I didn't see that little tree in the bottom of a trough.
Did you know that you can actually hear your calf muscle tear? I'll be off the slopes for a month or so. It could be worse, I thought is was the achilles at first.
Major props to the Copper Ski Patrol for getting my large self off a steep bump run, back over the mountain and down the front side to the clinic.
cement- that sucks!Deep powder on Copper Mountain yesterday. I didn't see that little tree in the bottom of a trough.
Did you know that you can actually hear your calf muscle tear? I'll be off the slopes for a month or so. It could be worse, I thought is was the achilles at first.
Major props to the Copper Ski Patrol for getting my large self off a steep bump run, back over the mountain and down the front side to the clinic.
Yikes. Wishes for a speedy and total recovery.
Wipe-outs are generally no fun. Hoping for a speedy recovery guys so you can get back out on the slopes! Falling is all part of the game. :thumbs:I think I need to stop skiing like I'm 20. Started PT today, and I just carry the crutches now in case the sidewalk is icy.
You broke a helmet strap RG? Holy Smokes that's a hard fall!
i'm out of tissues at work at the papertowels and toliet paper are like sandpaper on my nose.