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OSHA is coming to see if our building is causing the hacking. My boss called them. He said, "They'll check for mold," and pointed to the mold on the ceiling.

^hope you feel better!!!

mega sinus drainage in the middle of the night...like someone turned on a faucet in the back of my throat choking me.

Mrs Kevo likely has the flu. She just got back from the doctor and they said they would know for sure later today if she actually does have it.

But she came back home with some antibiotics for an ear infection and a fresh supply of Tylenol.

Both mini kevo and I already had our flu shots last month. Too bad mrs kevo didn't get hers.

I got a flu shot and have been feeling like carp lately. headaches, congestion, fatigue. Not sure if I have a bug or if I'm just plain weary.

Well, whatever she has I hope she feels better soon.

This is her 2nd sick day in a row. She hasn't been this sick for a long time.

saw in a news article today that the CDC has said the flu virus has mutated already this season so the flu vaccine isn't going to be as effective this year.

saw in a news article today that the CDC has said the flu virus has mutated already this season so the flu vaccine isn't going to be as effective this year.
yeah, I saw the same story. Basically, they guess as to the upcoming strand and that they blew it this year.

wow that sucks Kevo. get the vitamin C going and make sure everyone stays hydrated and gets rest. I hope everyone gets well soon.

been fighting a head cold that has migrated to my upper chest and cough for the last 2 weeks. Kids have been waking up coughing in the middle of the night so sleep has been a scarce commodity.

Finished a course of antibiotics yesterday for what was a wicked sinus infection that moved onto my chest. Hope it finds its way out of my chest ASAP, or I'll be going back for another extended course. Seems like the 5 day versions never fully get rid of it for me.

Mrs Kevo is home again today but she thinks that her fever broke last night.

She is sounding better but she will still go and see her doctor tomorrow morning just to make sure.

somebody got new perfume!!! I haven't been able to figure out who it is since it is Xmas snack day and there are a lot of people walking past to the conf room. my eyes are watering something awful this morning.
