--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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If it's the nerve along the triceps side of the arm, it is entirely possible that you just bumped your funny bone at one point.
They think the compression had to have been from sleeping in an awkward position. Since it was fine Sat. evening and was present Sun. morning.

weird! hope its gets to feeling better Mr. Fletcher!
LOL, thanks.
So I'm no Doctor but I think I have this narrowed down to 2 possible causes; both of which are your wife's fault: ;)

1. your wife was away. I'll let your mind wander as to what may have happened due to this.

2. your wife was away and you got "drinker's elbow". I've never had this happen because I try to keep my drinking arm in tip top shape but I've heard of it in some unlikely situations. It surprises me that this could be possible with someone from "Brew City" but I guess stranger things have happened.

Hope it feels better soon... :) :40oz:

All good suggestions had this been my dominant arm. As my non-dominant, I'm still :dunno:
well then maybe it wants to dominated and is doing this for attention. Berate it, tie it up, chain it in a dungeon while wearing black latex, whip it...whip it good. See if that gets a response.
I'm getting over a cold/sinus infection/sore throat/cough that has lasted more than 3 weeks. It was horrible and I'm still debating on going back to doctor.

Hope you feel better, csb.
