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So I used to have localized weakness in my right hand, to the point I couldn't grasp things. The culprit? My cell phone. I was grasping it in one hang and texting and it was an overuse thing.

And, to back this thread upaways, please shoot some antelope. Range Maggots is what we call them.

Home, home, on the range

Where critters are tied up in chains

I cut through their sides

An I rip off their hides

And the next day I do it again!

I had somewhat the same issue that happens every 6 months or so. It basically happens because I sign too many drawings.

I basically have some rehab arm stretches that soothes the nerves in my hands.

I never would have thought it, but it really does help!

EMG scheduled for Tuesday. <sigh> :(
Damage isn't permanent, so I guess that's good. But recovery time could be fairly lengthy (5-6 weeks). The damage is localized to the lateral nerve in my left arm. Nothing definitive as to what may have caused it. Will be doing my own research but I'm open to any suggestions on anything supplemental I can do to promote nerve repair. Currently taking 100mg of B-6 each day.

Is it a pinched nerve, or is it more like a nerve "bruise"?
Perhaps a little of both? Initially the nerve was somehow compressed enough to cause the damage. But based on the tests (electric pulse & needle), there is no longer any blockage or compression.

So I used to have localized weakness in my right hand, to the point I couldn't grasp things. The culprit? My cell phone. I was grasping it in one hang and texting and it was an overuse thing.

And, to back this thread upaways, please shoot some antelope. Range Maggots is what we call them.
I think I have a phone related issue too. I usually hold my phone in my left hand with my elbow testing on my desk at work or couch at home. Over the past few weeks I've had some pain in my elbow.

EMG scheduled for Tuesday. <sigh> :(
Damage isn't permanent, so I guess that's good. But recovery time could be fairly lengthy (5-6 weeks). The damage is localized to the lateral nerve in my left arm. Nothing definitive as to what may have caused it. Will be doing my own research but I'm open to any suggestions on anything supplemental I can do to promote nerve repair. Currently taking 100mg of B-6 each day.
now that we know that it's not permanent, is it too soon to start making jokes as to what caused it? :)

Absolutely. I'd expect nothing less. However I really wish I did in fact know what caused this so as to prevent it from ever happening again. I'm not a fan of the unknown...

do you rest your elbow on the door or arm rest while driving? Depending on the car My arm will tingle there if I keep it there too long

If it's the nerve along the triceps side of the arm, it is entirely possible that you just bumped your funny bone at one point.

If it's the nerve along the triceps side of the arm, it is entirely possible that you just bumped your funny bone at one point.
They think the compression had to have been from sleeping in an awkward position. Since it was fine Sat. evening and was present Sun. morning.

weird! hope its gets to feeling better Mr. Fletcher!
LOL, thanks.
