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I don't know, they just gave me 5 lbs of ground...

I think both the mule deer and elk here are excellent, however its really been confusing as hell to me to figure out how to hunt here,I admit that I haven't investigated it fully, other than spend a few hours staring at the "big board" in Cabelas, but IMO they have over complicated the hell out of hunting season here.. different zones and schedules within counties, that just doesn't make a lot of sense at first glance, maybe I haven't spent enough time trying to understand it..

In Georgia they just had "deer season" and if you were in a certain county you could or could not take a buck a few weeks out of the season but that was the extent of it

so who wants in on an early fall antelope hunt next year? Its $125 out of state permit for a female, $350 for a male..
Damn that's discriminatory. Is that because women are poor shots? or are they just trying encourage them to hunt? or is it because men want their wives to go along to set up "the accident"?

just spewed mountain dew all over the place!


I didn't know if a DOE and Buck were the same in Antelope speak (I didn't even know they existed outside of zoos in the US until a few months ago when I was in New Mexico wondering, what are them funny deer with twisty antlers doing running 40 mph next to the road?)

If you need help understanding the hunting system here in CO, just let me know. I've been hunting since I turned 14.

So the GF is a HUGE germaphobe, and my worst nightmare happened. She was finally convinced to let junior have a sleepover a few weeks ago with some of the other kids at a friend's house, and sure enough... head lice. Now she is in full-on freak-out mode, and will probably have Junior rolling around like the boy in the bubble until she turns 18. I'm surprised she started washing everything, as I expected her to just set fire to the house.

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wow. one night and junior got head lice. I hope GF let the kids mother know (without doing any bodily harm).

wow. one night and junior got head lice. I hope GF let the kids mother know (without doing any bodily harm).

I think she did. I know for sure she let the teacher know already as a precaution.

I think our kids all brought it home from school once it really does suck , however the prescription shampoo and they give out works pretty good these days. I think my wife washed everything twice

I picked up one of each of what they had. By the time I got home, the GF already had her head slathered with mayonnaise and vinegar (don't ask). The first one is a kit, not a shampoo, which was a three stage spray, cream, and something else. It was supposed to kill the eggs, too, not just live ones. The other one is the shampoo, which I guess they use after a 10 day period of waiting for the other stuff to work.
