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I prefer grass fed animal meat. The meat selection now a days is just garbage. I am not a "marblized" fat sort of person, it makes it chewy to me. But the corn fed lobby has done wondrous marketing on that which has convinced people it is a good thing.

Its all about how it's cooked. I can take a Kobe steak and turn it into shoe leather, but can also make a plain flank steak into one of the best you've ever eaten.

a guy at scouts last night gave us some antelope meat (ground) im looking forward to trying it, but they said it taste like sage since that's all they eat...

they said its gamier than venison and recommended to use it in chili.. wife doesn't know about it yet so I am going to sneak some in some hamburger helper one weekend before I waste a batch of chilli

antelope can be good. if someone gave you some, I would think it was properly butchered. don't hide it completely, it's not something you can get every day.

They said up in Wyoming where they went there is more antelope than you can shake a stick at .... I need to do that next year...

well more like shooting at the antelope ;) then shaking a stick at them.. - you should be up to speed with Southern Phrases you know ;)

remember, if you shake it more than twice...you're playing with it.

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rule of thumb is that you can beat it with a stick so long as the stick is no bigger than your thumb.

Well then, maybe it should have been the rule of wrist...

so who wants in on an early fall antelope hunt next year? Its $125 out of state permit for a female, $350 for a male..

I will be using my iron sights .35
