--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Woke up Sunday and severe limited movement in my left hand (thumb & fore-finger). Not sure what deal is but I can't even type with 2 hands at the moment. Never encountered this sort of thing before and not really sure what can even be done about. Pretty frustrating.

Any neck pain? I'll get that once in a while, and it usually comes from either a pinched nerve or a swollen lymph node. Whenever I'm about to get sick, I'll get numbness all down the left side, and if I feel the lymph node on the left side just below my hair line, it's usually half the size of a damned golf ball.

it could be a sprain... if there is no pain I would check out some mobility exercises on the internet to see if that will help... if it hurts with swelling etc etc, then rest and ice... I would get it checked at the doc if it doesn't go away in three days or so

Cut it off. It is obviously broken and unacceptable. It must go.


You might have pinched a nerve...
How do I un-pinch it?

KF any change? Is it numb/tingly?
No change. Numb/tingly yes. Strangest thing I've ever encountered medically. Getting a bit worrisome on what can be done. :(
get thyself to a dr silly
Did that. Doc is just as perplexed as I am. Said to possibly look into physical therapy. But I don't see what that is going to do.

my mom had a nerve pinched in her shoulder, couldn't raise her arm 45 degrees. After 3 wks of PT 2 times a wk she had 100% mobility back. It hurt slightly for awhile longer but her range of motion was back.

if you pinched it, PT should unpinch it. No MRI or xray?
Doc said no reason for MRI/Xray if there was no immediate pain in that area and I hadn't received any physical damage.

my mom had a nerve pinched in her shoulder, couldn't raise her arm 45 degrees. After 3 wks of PT 2 times a wk she had 100% mobility back. It hurt slightly for awhile longer but her range of motion was back.
On to finding a specialist I guess.

sounds nerve related to me. the "perplexed" doctor should refer you to someone with specialty in that area.

You might have pinched a nerve...
How do I un-pinch it?
KF any change? Is it numb/tingly?
No change. Numb/tingly yes. Strangest thing I've ever encountered medically. Getting a bit worrisome on what can be done. :(
get thyself to a dr silly
Did that. Doc is just as perplexed as I am. Said to possibly look into physical therapy. But I don't see what that is going to do.
Depends which nerve you pinched... it could be as far away from your hand as in your neck... stretching and releasing the pressure/compression will make it better but you don't know where to focus without proper diagnoses. I'll see what my bil has to say if I can get a hold of him

Cool thank you. I haven't had any neck problems and I have full movement past my elbow per the doc's diagnosis. I assume the issue is where I have the numbness in my hand.
