--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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My eye is burning a little. I think I got some corrosion powder in it from wirebrushing my car battery without eye protection. Stupid stupid.

My eye is burning a little. I think I got some corrosion powder in it from wirebrushing my car battery without eye protection. Stupid stupid.

Eye injuries are no joke, go get that checked out. As someone who has had metal, rust, and a chunk of crazy glue removed from their eye in the past, you're money ahead taking care of it up front.

I'm wondering if I'm coming down with something. I have felt fine otherwise, but have been burning up and really flushed the past two days at work.

I apparently have shingles which is super awesome with a 3 month old in the house. Not only do I have to wear 2 shirts to make sure he doesn't touch it every time I'm holding him he kicks and squirms which rubs and so it feels like sand paper being dragged across my side.

I apparently have shingles which is super awesome with a 3 month old in the house. Not only do I have to wear 2 shirts to make sure he doesn't touch it every time I'm holding him he kicks and squirms which rubs and so it feels like sand paper being dragged across my side.
mr snick got shingles late june. He only had one rash about the size of a lemon on his side/back area. They gave him meds to reduce the duration but they made him want to puke all the time.

once they pop and start to scab over you aren't contagious anymore. Minisnick only had the first of the two chicken pox shots so we were sort of hoping he would get the chicken pox, but mr snick did a good job of keeping it covered and not exposing minisnick.

Thanks everybody, this stuff definitely sucks major butt. I've never had so many sensations in one area, it goes from burning to itching to aching to stabbing to raw feeling sometimes in the stretch of a few minutes. The pain in manageable but is always there to some degree.
