--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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That sucks, snick! All the people I've ever known who got shingles had gotten the shot. I hope he is taking the meds that can get him well faster.
yep they put him on voltrax (sp?)

Minisnick has only had one of of the two chicken pox shots so far...so hopefully that will be enough. Not that i wouldn't mind him getting the lifetime immunity the natural way vs relying on shots.

Mrs. Ble and I share everything, which unfortunately led to her sharing strep throat with me. So I'm at home today recuperating. Hopefully the antibiotics I got yesterday kick in soon. Meanwhile, we're trying to make sure that the kiddos don't get it.

And now mini-ble1 has strep throat. I hope mini-ble2 doesn't get it, but the odds are against her.

Minisnick woke up sick this morning...mr snick is taking the morning off to stay home and I'm taking the afternoon off so he can get some work done. Poor kid...he was supposed to go to the Cards game tonight with his BBF &fam.

Geeze, sorry to hear that. Kids sick during the summer sucks. Hope he feels better soon

poor kid. Why does sickness always come on days when you have something cool planned to do?

poor kid. Why does sickness always come on days when you have something cool planned to do?
I know!!! Although with the weather forecast for today it is probably better this way. Even at 5 -8 pm this evening when they would out at the ballpark in feels like 100 degree temps and chances of thunderstorms.

Think mini-MS#2 broke my nose this weekend. He was jumping on the bed and I would make his stuffed kitty cat "run" under him as he jumped. Great fun. He made an odd bounce and his head hit my nose. It hurt, but we kept playing. Well, not a couple of jumps later, he had the same damn odd bounce and hit my nose even harder. That second hit made an awful crunch sound. I immediately ceased playing that game and iced my nose off and on over the duration of the Belgium / Argentina soccer match. Their is still some swelling and my nose is awfully sore, but no black or blue. If anything, it must be cracked because everything is still solid. But damn that hurt!

Time to buy you the "no more monkeys" book to read to junior.

Feeling the hurt today. Had some upside-down, under-the-dash welding to do on the car Saturday, which involved the transmission tunnel being right in the small of my back and having to strain my neck for a while to hold my head up. The back pain isn't too terrible, but the entire left side of my neck hurts like hell.

Chest infection still lingering, but not as bad as a few days ago. I hope it doesn't flare up again and disappears by the end of the week. Hard to start P90X3 when you can't breathe.

Last Sunday I was cutting some tree branches the wife had been nagging me about and I got whacked in the eye really good with a tree branch that didn’t

want to break.. Didn’t hurt to bad at first but I guess I rubbed the hell out of it all day.. by 5:00 I was in “pain level 9” couldn’t really see at all out of either eye.. it actually hurt to keep the eye shut but I couldn’t really keep it open..

I just couldn’t miss work the following Monday so we went back to the hospital (she works at) ER - when she got home from work at 8 PM

I felt like a total F’n idiot going to the ER over this but what yah going to do.. the ER Dock tried to make me not feel like a baby , I don’t know what kind of eye drops he gave me but within 10 seconds everything was back to normal.. Got a prescription for some type of medicine, not sure what it was, but it only lasted for 2 hours, so I kept having to wake up that night and put the eye drops in, and that was the norm for about 3 days until it finally healed.. ER doc Said it was a ”worse than average cut on the eyeball” – I’m sure he said that just to make me feel better..

(I guess I should wear goggles or something),..

I don’t understand how our insurance works, its some kind of hybrid semi disaster insurance, but they (wifes employer)give my wife $2K on a FSA card to cover the deductible, and lets just say that 45 minutes ate up $1300 of the FSA card- which we hadn’t used any of yet this year…

back to normal though today!

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Sick as a dog. On the one hand I don't want to infect people by going to work, but on the other I'd hate people to think I bailed on the Friday before Labor Day weekend knowing there are no other engineers to cover the shift.

^Put a mask on like all the japanese tourists and wear some nitrile gloves. Do a partial day so it counts for you being there to cover a morning emergency.

Good luck feeling better and getting over the crud that seems to be going around

You take enough slack from that place. Nothing wrong with taking a sick day. Even if before a holiday weekend. And if you get hassled about it, just make something up like you were vomiting all colors of the rainbow and took some pictures as evidence. Then offer to show them the pics. ;)

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Awesome! I'll bring a bag of Skittles and a toothbrush on Tuesday if they try to call my bluff.
