--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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woke up with a hell of a sinus headache...to the point of balance issues and nausea. ABout quarter to 11 before I could handle the pressure almost normally

choking on sinus drainage and snot...yummy
it's one of these days again...just add sore throat a la post nasal drip and an ear ache

I was up half the night, the last two days my allergy meds have not been able to keep up with the drip... aiming for a gallon and a half of water consumption and packed watermelon, and cucumber in my lunch today to sneak in extra hydration. Made my shakeology with water this morning instead of a milk based product.

Miami is killing my allergies. Eyes/nose are fine, but can't breathe worth a damn. Same every time I come here.

Soooo..... apparently my days as a field medic in the NJM house aren't over. Mrs. NJ has been up puking the night and now NJ#3 just did too. Shades of NYE 2012 are echoing in my mind.

Soooo..... apparently my days as a field medic in the NJM house aren't over. Mrs. NJ has been up puking the night and now NJ#3 just did too. Shades of NYE 2012 are echoing in my mind.
Good thing you're not taking the PE next week.

I hope everyone feels better soon. And remember, there is no need to catch puke with you hands.

Regarding the PE, I was thinking the same thing. This was always my nightmare scenario. As for the puke catching, too late.

Coming off a nasty cough and it seems that some of the junk is in my lungs.

I'm not taking any chances, I made a Dr. apt today so I can put my bronchitis & pneumonia fears (ie: too much webMD) fears to bed.
