--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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^^^ fixt
One of my favorite video clips from Tosh.0. LOL!!

Sorry to hear about the nose VT. Perhaps this would help? :dunno: If anything it should be a good conversation starter when talking to the ladies. ;)


I think he needs something more like this...


^I have an extra one he can borrow...but even then he can still trip inside one of those things. VT you better have gone to the dr to get that nose looked at

I'm afraid that if he goes to the Dr. for the nose, they'll find that it is actually a symtom of something bigger...

Based on the fact that everyone in the pic is wearing short sleeves, I would infer that she only likes warm climates.

home with minisnick today. He was running 103+ fever at 4 this morning. He is finally sleeping soundly without grunting or whining...hopefully this is good news. We ran out of baby tylenol in the middle of the night and it is like -25 out right now.

Holy overkill Batman! A couple of days ago I tripped a loose shoelace and went face first into a closed door. My nose took the brunt of it and I was pretty sure I broke it. Bled like crazy. Was a little woozy but but did not pass out. I stopped the bleeding, but it kept re-opening on me. I was sick of getting blood on my clothes, furniture, etc. so I went over to the walk in clinic to get it cauterized.

I explain to the receptionist why I was there, and she seemed all concerned and got the triage nurse. So I explain it to her. "Since there's a head injury involved, you need to go to the ER in case you have a concussion or facial fractures."

OK, I go over to the ER (same medical group), they put me in this secondary ER for the basic stich 'em and ditch 'em cases, get all gowned up (no IV at least) and the nurse practitioner. She gets me cauterized, then applies pressure to different areas of my place, which I told her was tender here and there. Suddenly: "You might have broken an orbital bone, we need to do a CT scan." Listen lady, I just want you to stop the bleeding so I can out of here. The scan comes back negative and I go. What should have been a 5 minute office visit turned into a 4+ hours ordeal.
