--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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an old army medic told me if when you are breathing and it sounds like saran wrap being crinkled up get yourself to a dr ASAP.

^^ Not quite like that. Just when I take a full breath it seems that my lungs aren't getting all of the air that I'm taking in.

Oh well, I'll be laughed at by him in a bit less than an hour now.

Well, at least web-MD was wrong in that you don't have some rare Taiwanese illness.

Believe me, the ultimate Taiwanese STD popped out almost 3 years ago.


Mrs Dex and I were discussing Web Md the other day. We both came to the conclusion that once you enter your symptoms, the results should be sorted by liklihood of having said disease, not by the severity.

I have been coughing quite a bit lately and have a congested sinus. Web MD: well, it could be a flesh-eating bacteria liquefying your internal organs, or it could be allergies...

last time I used webmd I was convinced that I either had leprosy or brain cancer.

to the tune of "Yesterday"


all my skin is falling off of me

I'm not half the man I used to be

Oh how did I get Leprosy?


to think it started with a single kiss

now it even hurts to take a piss.

oh how did I get syphilis?

[John Valby]

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I hate Mucinex. If I'm on it, and it's working, I will have something go flying across the room just by breathing normally.

5 months later and I still can't smell correctly. I still smell a dirty ash tray under my nose.

5 months later and I still can't smell correctly. I still smell a dirty ash tray under my nose.
It's time to get up off of the bar room floor.
dude I so wish there was an easy fix for this. It's nauseating. I'm gonna have to go to the doctor for it. I hate going to see the doctor.
Sounds like it could be an allergy or a sensitivity to something. I hope the doctor has a solution.

it's so strange because it started out of no where. Nothing in my environments have changed.
