--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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^impossible...I don't use those things. air(gas) is the only phase that is an IN. the nose is an OUT only for the others

I don't have any experience with kids, but I'm no longer surprised by what my dog will eat. I keep my puppy crated when I'm not paying attention to him, but I dozed off on the couch when I had him out recently. Woke up an hour or so later and he gnawed on everything from a wicker basket to a knit hat to a half gallon plastic jug of juice.

So far I've been lucky. My coworker has told me a story about one of his girls. She was younger than 5 at the time and walked over to him and said, "daddy, where's my marble?" she paused for a second and finished by saying, "Maybe, in my belly!" yeah, kids are crazy.

#$*$*# just tweeked a muscle in my back/shoulder area while hacking up a lung thanks to this likely sinus infection. now it hurts to take a deep breath.

Finally got "the crud". My boys got it from their cousin during Christmas and they couldn't help but share the love with me. Yesterday I woke up and had the deepest voice ever. I was practically hitting the brown noise. Today, however, I'm half deepest voice ever and half no voice at all. Throat also hurts and have a not-so-pleasant cough. Didn't get sick at all in 2013, but am starting 2014 out with a bang.


^^^ fixt

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