--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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I was in a wreck yesterday =/. My shoulder is all jacked up and I can't turn to the left at all. Went to the doctor and thankfully there is no bone damage. My daughter was in the car too, but she is golden. Thankfully I am very particular about making sure that every time the straps of her harness are perfect and very snug. My poor car, though, there's a good chance it's totaled.

Wow! Take it easy the next couple of days. Scary stuff, glad you and your kiddo are ok.

Thanks. Muscle relaxers and a heating pad are my friends right now. Unfortunately I couldn't get the really good ones since I still have to be functional enough today to take care of our daughter while Hubby works.

Sorry to hear it SCNikki. I hope it's just bangs and bruises and heals up soon. Glad your daughter is OK. Cars can be replaced.

Thanks, I'm continuing to do better. Yeah, just muscle damage. Thankfully there was any bone injury. I actually got in a half day today at work before I decided I needed to take my muscle relaxer and spend quality time with the heating pad. I can almost turn my head fully to the left, too.

Be careful with your prescriptions, folks.

Took an old muscle relaxer that had been prescribed for 3X/day, not noticing the expiration date. Took ONE, laid down after feeling loopy. Got a stabbing pain in stomach, jumped up to go to bathroom. Made it to bathroom, started seeing stars, and nighty-night. Next thing I hear is the GF calling my name, realize that I'm face down on the tile floor, ass sticking up in the air, head pinned against the shower stall. She had to sit me down and hold me upright, didn't get my vision back for quite a while, white as a ghost.

Tooth punched a hole in my lip, bruised up side of my face, neck/throat aching like hell. Thought I'd walk it off, but still don't have my sea legs back, head is POUNDING, not doing so well with short term memory (putting down keys, drink, etc.) Probably a mild concussion. Thankfully she was there to help me up, and noticing that junior was downstairs, became alarmed when she heard the huge thud of me hitting the floor.

Wow...that's crazy. Glad the GF was around. I've never heard of expired prescription medication actually causing adverse effects. I always assumed that the expiration date was just there because active ingredients might not be as effective after that date. Didn't think they would actually go bad.

Wow...that's crazy. Glad the GF was around. I've never heard of expired prescription medication actually causing adverse effects. I always assumed that the expiration date was just there because active ingredients might not be as effective after that date. Didn't think they would actually go bad.
Quite a few drugs get screwy after their expiration dates (especially prescription meds). Most lose effectiveness, but a few get rather potent...

IIRC, the post-expiration effects are one of the considerations used by the Feds to determine if it's safe for a drug to go over-the-counter, as it's very common for people to buy a drug and forget about it in their medicine cabinet.

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wow Supe that's f'd up. Did you call the Dr or a toxic helpline to see if what you experienced is a possibility with that specific medication?

Would have gone to the docs, but primary care is booked solid, and Urgent Care won't do/authorize CT scans or MRI's, so going to wait it out.

So, serious question here. Lately, I have been smelling the odor of a dirty ash tray everywhere I go. In my house, office, car. Virtually every enclosed area with little "fresh" air flow. Not so much outside because the open air atmosphere. We dont smoke, not around people who do. At home we have a forced hot air oil fired furnace. Originally, I thought that we had an exhaust problem with it or maybe dirty ducts, not that. I am going nuts trying to isolate the smell and no one else smells it. Could I be the problem? Could I have a problem with my sinuses? Someone please help.
