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yeah me...hacking up a lung these past several days. Lovely end results of an allergy attack for me. It feels like what happens when I am around cats or someone who has lots of them, but it has also been balls to wall harvesting going on around here so it could totally be realted to that too. Either way I am going to be coughing for the next 4-6 weeks.

^^^ My weekend was pretty much the same thing. The cold medicine didn't really help things Saturday night with all of the alcohol either.

Because I blew my nose so much on Friday, my nose and upper lip are all chapped to hell and are now peeling.

Tell me more of your sexiness, Dex.

<---doesn't flu shot because a friend's sister got GBS and died. That's creepy. Gets all the other vaccinations and has kid vaccinated, just no flu vaccine.

Yeah me...hacking up a lung these past several days. Lovely end results of an allergy attack for me. It feels like what happens when I am around cats or someone who has lots of them, but it has also been balls to wall harvesting going on around here so it could totally be realted to that too. Either way I am going to be coughing for the next 4-6 weeks.
I always get the flu from my flu shot. I know they say it doesn't cause flu. I come from a family of health care professionals. I'd rather just have the chance of getting the flu than knowing I'll get it from the flu shot. I wash my hands a lot during flu season.

BTW, I also get the measles from the measles vaccine. Had a booster when I was 20ish...got the rash. So did Tex Jr.; he had them from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.

I'm still hoping minisnick will get the chicken pox naturally since they have a failure rating of like 15% even though IL schools require the vaccine.

THe moment I hear a classmate came down with them Pox party at our house!!

I always get the flu from my flu shot. I know they say it doesn't cause flu. I come from a family of health care professionals. I'd rather just have the chance of getting the flu than knowing I'll get it from the flu shot. I wash my hands a lot during flu season.

BTW, I also get the measles from the measles vaccine. Had a booster when I was 20ish...got the rash. So did Tex Jr.; he had them from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.
That sucks envirotex.

I'm still hoping minisnick will get the chicken pox naturally since they have a failure rating of like 15% even though IL schools require the vaccine.

THe moment I hear a classmate came down with them Pox party at our house!!

I'm still hoping minisnick will get the chicken pox naturally since they have a failure rating of like 15% even though IL schools require the vaccine.

THe moment I hear a classmate came down with them Pox party at our house!!

That was the other thing...Mini-Tex got the chicken pox 3 years after his vaccination. It's no wonder people are suspicious...

I can feel I'm starting to come down with something, the day before a three day weekend in the field for my reserve duty training this month... great... Nothing like trying to shoot at targets with snot running down your chin and coughing up a lung. I need a serious infusion of vitamin C and Nyquil tonight.

I can feel my face today the sinus pressure is soo bad. I forgot the sudaphed at home this morning and the advil allergy sinus stuff I had in my desk isn't strong enough.

I can feel I'm starting to come down with something, the day before a three day weekend in the field for my reserve duty training this month... great... Nothing like trying to shoot at targets with snot running down your chin and coughing up a lung. I need a serious infusion of vitamin C and Nyquil tonight.

I've found Emergen-C is good for keeping your C levels up, and it doesn't taste too bad. I like things like that and Theraflu because you usually get sick in the winter when it is cold, and the warm drink is nice.

I've found Emergen-C is good for keeping your C levels up, and it doesn't taste too bad.
A several years ago when my husband got the flu a week before our wedding, I pretty much lived off that stuff trying to prevent the same happening to me. I was determined not to be sick for my wedding. It worked too!

I'm fighting off a head cold this the last day or so. My throat is all scratchy and my head feels like it's the size of a watermelon. Probably from all those 3 AM puppy walks in the frigid cold with no coat.

Two days left on antibiotics for my sinuses. Seems that when I get these sinus infections now, they come with a vengeance. The last two have been just as bad or worse on my ears than my stinkin' sinuses.

definitely been rocking a full blown sinus infection this week. Today applying pressure to my forehead to help with the pain causes my teeth to hurt. was sporting a nice dual case of conjuctivitis this week too.

still debating whether just to let the sinus infection take its course or get the meds and try to shorten it by a few days.

I am definitely not coming in tomorrow. Cold is getting worse.

May not make it the rest of the day.
