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My hand hurts from ripping up the carpet in my bedroom over the weekend.

Before anyone makes a dirty joke, I'll point out I also went to town on some trim in there too. (Painted the crown moulding.)
Totally had a comment in my head before I saw the second statement.

With that said, I too painted some crown moulding this weekend. Didn't rip up any carpet though because I just have some thick hard wood.

My hand hurts from ripping up the carpet in my bedroom over the weekend.

Before anyone makes a dirty joke, I'll point out I also went to town on some trim in there too. (Painted the crown moulding.)
saw the pics...looks nice

I feel like my sinuses are going to explode and my eyes will pop out, fly across the room, bounce off the wall and roll out of my office... it happens EVERY time a weather system like this moves through. Not only is it dreary and rainy, wet and chilly, but I get to feel like crud too.
^feel like this today but there are no storms rolling through to blame it on.

after taking the following cocktail i feel slightly better...sudafed, tylenol, claritin and zyrtec. (the combo of the last two are because today was shot day)

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My hand hurts from ripping up the carpet in my bedroom over the weekend.

Before anyone makes a dirty joke, I'll point out I also went to town on some trim in there too. (Painted the crown moulding.)
saw the pics...looks nice
Thanks Miss! I have hard wood like MS now.
Showed pic to Mr army man cause they looked good... he says "you engineer lady's are so handy..."

Husband got his flu shot, makes sense that we all get sick. Or it could have been the guy with the cold in the meeting on Monday, or walking around in the rain, or just the change of seasons...no matter, I'm going to fight it with a day of rest and oj and nyquil

just remember you didn't get the flu from the flu shot. You are just experiencing side effects from all the other ingredients in the shot.

unless it was the nasal spray flu vaccine because that one does have the live flu strains in it.


My dad just got one for the 3rd year in a row. Every time he does, the injection site is sore for a week, and he usually gets a really bad cold from it. I asked him the other day if he had ever gotten the flu, and he said no. I asked if getting a really bad cold from the flu shot every year is preferable to the small chance that he might get the flu without the shot. He's starting to reconsider getting the shot next year.

My wife has to get a flu shot. It's a condition of her employment. Reason #12,659 why I could never work in the medical field...

if I want to volunteer with the hospital from sept to march I have to get a flu shot or wear a mask the entire time I am there. Glad the food pantry is not attached to the hosiptal.

I never get a flu shot. I was at the doc last year and they asked if I wanted one. Figured I'm here why not. Its a possible reason I got GBS this spring. I will never, ever get one again. The flu beats paralysis any day of the week.

Not sure why there's so much hate for the flu shot. If you don't want it don't get it, but there are folks out there who should get it every year. I know it's basically a guess as to what flu strains are going to be prevalent in a given year, but it still helps to provide antibodies to help fight the flu off.

but it still helps to provide antibodies to help fight the flu off.
I'm not looking to draw this out, but FWIW, the human body already has these antibodies to fight infections and ailments. I'm guessing these "flu shots" are more geared toward additional revenue more than anything. And there is a better chance that the Earth's moon will break orbit than being able to align the appropriate antibodies with whatever flu strains are active for the given year. Just sayin'....

but it still helps to provide antibodies to help fight the flu off.
I'm not looking to draw this out, but FWIW, the human body already has these antibodies to fight infections and ailments. I'm guessing these "flu shots" are more geared toward additional revenue more than anything. And there is a better chance that the Earth's moon will break orbit than being able to align the appropriate antibodies with whatever flu strains are active for the given year. Just sayin'....

That's why I said it's good for some people. Check out the CDC website for it, but pregnant women, young kids, elderly, etc. can benefit from getting the shot. I never got the shot until we had kids, but I've had one every year since. I'll probably quit getting one when the kids are into elementary school.

VT, I completely understand why you would never get a flu shot again.

Just as an FYI, I got the flu shot an pneumonia vaccines a year ago, both at the same time, and in the same arm. Within hours, my entire upper arm was red, swollen, hot to the touch, and I was so sick that I couldn't move off the couch for over a week. Cold sweats that would soak me completely through, fever that hit 104, and joint/body pain like I've never felt before.

Flu shots/pneumonia vaccines can suck my nuts.

Think I had a minor seizure today. Was in my room folding laundry, emptying boxes, sorting, etc. (With the hospital stays and recovery, I'm only minimally unpacked.)

Next thing I'm waking face down halfway on the bed. I've got a textured wall so I look like I've been cheese gratered and my eyelid was dripping blood in my eye. Had to be somewhere tonight so I was glad I got to stop.

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