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any ideas how to get the fluid build up out from behind my ear drums.  Hot showers, many doses of sudafed, musinex, decongesstants, lots of liquids aren't working.  I haven't been able to hear properly in over two weeks.  

any ideas how to get the fluid build up out from behind my ear drums.  Hot showers, many doses of sudafed, musinex, decongesstants, lots of liquids aren't working.  I haven't been able to hear properly in over two weeks.  

could be minor.  We have an ear scope at home.  Mr snick can see the fluid but it hadn't gone as far as infection as of yesterday.  

Otitis media with effusion


Otitis media with effusion (OME) is thick or sticky fluid behind the eardrum in the middle ear. It occurs without an ear infection.

I get this ALL the time thanks to my allergies.  I just can't seem to get the ears to drain this time.  
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I always wet my ear and hand, lean head with said ear toward floor, plung hand repeatedly on ear while jumping on hard floor. Always works for me?

If its behind the ear drums, no real non-surgical way to let it drain.  Of course you could always try ear candling.  Maybe a hot glob of wax can drip down and puncture your ear drum - that ought to be just as good as tubes.

The skin on the bottom of my left forearm has been burning (feels like sunburn) for two days now.  Not showing any signs of redness or streaking that I can tell, so I'm hoping its just scraped or something from working on the car.  I'm always paranoid about getting some sort of bacterial infection from the gym, so I'm watching it like a hawk.

The skin on the bottom of my left forearm has been burning (feels like sunburn) for two days now.  Not showing any signs of redness or streaking that I can tell, so I'm hoping its just scraped or something from working on the car.  I'm always paranoid about getting some sort of bacterial infection from the gym, so I'm watching it like a hawk.
I would see a dr if it lasts any longer or gets red in any way...that sounds an awful bit like early cellulitis.  can cause major issues if left to spread.  

I would see a dr if it lasts any longer or gets red in any way...that sounds an awful bit like early cellulitis.  can cause major issues if left to spread.  
Yeah, that's why I'm watching it closely.  There is some very, very light redness, but it hasn't spread since I first noticed it.  No swelling or warm to the touch currently.  Going to put my steroid cream on it tonight in case its an allergy/contact dermatitis thing.  

Went to doctor.  Good news is no flesh eating bacteria.  Bad news is its neuropathy (tricep reflex on left side is dead), and he believes that muscle growth and inflammation coupled with a slightly-too-straight vertebrae in my upper back are compressing nerve bundles in my neck and armpit.  Healthy dose of steroids and night time muscle relaxers for the next three weeks before going back.

Worse news is that my sister calls me late last night (never good).  As though my mother's fall around Christmas wasn't bad enough, my father slipped on some mud and leaves while walking the dog and fell into a ditch.  He had to call my sister to come looking for him, where she and her boyfriend basically carried him to the car.  Initial prognosis is pretty bad - thigh muscle torn away from the knee, and took a chunk of knee cap with it.  They're trying to get him into an orthopedic specialist ASAP.  He's already had surgery on that knee once before for a miniscus tear.  He's a heavy set guy nearing his 70's, so this one won't be easy to come back from :(

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