The Baking Thread

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I need to learn how to convert weights to cups/tbsp/etc.  I always want to try BBO recipes!  But they are always listed by weight (which I knoooooow is more accurate) and always include simple or golden syrup....Which are ridiculously hard to find here in the US, unless I go to an extremely expensive import store or buy it online.  I might start tinkering because there were a couple of bakes that I was like, "This.  This is what I want to make."

Dude.  @LyceeFruit @leggo PE.  I know we all have potential bake lists that far out lengthen common sense.  Would it be possible to have a 'bake month' or something, where we submit the recipes we've always wanted to bake, but keep putting off, and then try to bake one once a week with results/pictures posted here?  Maybe staggered so one person posts on Monday, one on Wednesday, one on Friday, or something like that?  I feel like I'd be more inclined to attempting a clementine tea loaf if I knew some people were expecting photos.  Would force me outside my bubble/keep me expanding my baking instead of keeping towards the recipes that I like/know.
140g = 1c for AP flour typically 

1tsp = 5g

1tbsp = 15g

King Arthur Flour has conversions on their website. A kitchen scale is like 15$ and not only is it more accurate, it's less dishes which won me over very quickly. 

Re golden syrup:

as  @mudpuppy said, you can make it yourself. But also light Karo is a substitute and is in most grocery stores.

And yes to the weekly baking things. Boyfriend's coworkers will hate me even more LOL

140g = 1c for AP flour typically 

1tsp = 5g

1tbsp = 15g

King Arthur Flour has conversions on their website. A kitchen scale is like 15$ and not only is it more accurate, it's less dishes which won me over very quickly. 

Re golden syrup:

as  @mudpuppy said, you can make it yourself. But also light Karo is a substitute and is in most grocery stores.

And yes to the weekly baking things. Boyfriend's coworkers will hate me even more LOL
Yeah, my mom got me a kitchen scale right before I moved so, unfortunately, it did not come with me on my big move across the states due to space being needed for clothes and other knick-knacks.

@mudpuppy Thanks for the info!  I never thought to make it myself, since I usually just see it in a recipe and that turns me off.  Maybe I'll have to attempt this weekend, but light Karo is also something I'll look into.

AND WEEKLY BAKING IT SHALL BE.  I need to get together a list of things I've wanted to try.  Maybe we could limit it to 4 recipes?

@JayKay0914 i grew up with karo in my house - my grandfather put it on pancakes instead of maple syrup. it's also in pecan pie (i think, too lazy to google) and i feel like i used it when i made marshmallows (0/10 recommend btw)

In for baking stuff together! I usually do my baking on the weekend, but can post photos whenever.

Also, the challah tasted okay, but the bites that didn't have apple in them were a bit plain tasting. A small bummer!

Ohhhh!  And maybe after the first month of us all trying different recipes, we could do a 'matched month' where we all bake the same thing, maybe with minor modifications (like more or less flour or vanilla) and compare the results?

JK wants to get back into baking and I think this would be fun too!

@JayKay0914 as long as it's after the PE, I'm so down for this.

I wanna make scones. And muffins. and the SK apple plum pie (I legit was just telling my coworkers about it since he went apple picking!)

My bestie and I are going to do a GBBO bake-off. with one oven lol (and not a lot of counter space no matter whose house we're at lol)

Could we stretch it out to like four recipes over six weeks or something? I might not always have the time to bake every week... Despite me baking twice this week!

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I would like to bake some cakes from the Simple Cake cookbook by Odette Williams. Also have been meaning to try a sourdough sandwich bread loaf. Maybe also sourdough foccacia? And I love making muffins!! I currently have some zucchinis I plan to turn into chocolate zucchini muffins this weekend...

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23 days! I'm so flipping excited.

Re sourdough:: I make no breads but my friend is getting me sourdough starter when she orders from KAF. I've named him Gerald already. I want to make sourdough bagels even though my attempt at regular bagels didn't work.

And now, the best place to proof bread in my boyfriend's house is in the direct path of the vent of his new heat pump -___-  which is still on AC (its 61F and grey here in Maine today)

I'm also going to dabble in some keto desserts. I have a coworker who switched to keto to manage his t2d and it's working very well for him. I asked him if I found keto recipes, if he'd eat them and he said yes. So I have another new challenge 

My starter is named Sasha. I forget what my husband's is named... I want to say, Doughby or Doughboy or something, but I might be completely making that up.

Okay.  Made chocolate chip cookies this past weekend (mixed sugar base + molasses + bitter sweet chips) in an attempt to try my new oven.  It's an electric oven, not gas, and it seems to heat pretty evenly?  But I felt like it was getting slightly warmer as I threw batches in and the actual trays weren't that hot when I scooped on new dough.  Interested to see how it performs on a longer bake when I'm not opening/closing the door over and over again.

Wedding this weekend, but I have off on Columbus Day (whaaaaaaat), so I might make some almond cloud cookies that I've wanted to do for a while.

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I baked 50/50 wholewheat sourdough bread this past weekend... Not my best loaves by a long shot, mainly because I pushed the boundaries really far in terms of timing before mixing the dough. Basically, I think both loaves were massively over proofed. Oh well! They still smell great, and I'm sure they'll taste good too.

Does this topic include only delicious, bread-based or snacky dessert-like noms or does it also allow for the inquiring of dutch oven based camp-style cooking (full meals)?

Does this topic include only delicious, bread-based or snacky dessert-like noms or does it also allow for the inquiring of dutch oven based camp-style cooking (full meals)?
I think this thread originally was a 'baking-only', but it's turned into more of a cooking thread?  I like to do a lot of 'one pot'-cooking when I camp, so feel free to ask.  I don't think anyone will shun you for posting delicious questions vs. only treats.

I'm thinking that homemade poptarts might be one of my first bakes post-PE.

Because why not make pie crust from scratch after an extended break lol

Likely the SK ones:

But I may keep looking because I wanna do frosting and sprinkles (which is weird since I hate frosting cakes/cupcakes - I'm usually over the process by the time it's cooled enough to do so i do it begrudgingly) 

I'm assuming you wouldn't do a cream cheese frosting for the poptarts, since you want it to firm up?  Maybe like a royal icing?  I'm eagerly awaiting the results!

Also, someone at work was ridiculously happy when I said I make sweet potato pie (he exclaimed something like, 'white women only make pumpkin pie here?!  My wife and I need to adopt you!"), so I guess that means I need to start practicing.  I need a better pie crust recipe.  I don't know if I should go butter crust or vodka/butter crust or Crisco crust.  I'm horrible at pie crusts, I never get them flaky enough, but I'm trying to figure out what would go best with sweet potato?

Monday I think I need to make a big batch of my pumpkin spice.  I hate the flavoring that the 'pre-packaged' pumpkin spice is mostly just cinnamon; my blend has more cloves and ginger.

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