SW I-III Wins.I heard Obama likes Lord of the Rings. . .
If I'm not mistaken, we also have Natalie Portman, who is way hotter than Carrie Fisher ever thought about being.all refrences to slave girl are irrelevant since this is epi 1=3. all you got is whiney Anakin the dark lord in waiting. and freakin Jar-Jar.
she fools areound with an 8 year old.If I'm not mistaken, we also have Natalie Portman, who is way hotter than Carrie Fisher ever thought about being.
I think you're forgetting about the sexual relationship between C3PO and R2D2.:f_115m_e45d7af:
So that's another point for SW...our hero was scoring with Natalie Portman when he was 8!she fools areound with an 8 year old.
Ah, but you are forgetting that there is a LOTR TOUR in New Zealand http://www.lordoftheringstours.co.nz/There is a Star Wars Convention held in Las Vegas in July.
At that convention the Lord of the Rings sets up a booth.
3 POINTS for Star Wars.
(1 point for having a Vegas convention)
(1 point for LOTR not having one)
(1 point for LOTR just being ghey)