This will be my last post of this challenge. In closing, I would like to note that Team A apparently sees nothing wrong with having butt sex with storm troopers. Bascially, this makes me question what else Team A might consider having butt sex with. What about Wookies, Chewbacca, Darth Vader himself? Is Hans Solo part of Team A's sexual fettishes? We amply established the fact that storm troopers are dudes so putting the storm trooper hat on some chick with a mildy appealing body just doesn't cut it. There is no explanation. I hope Team A can find therapists that will be able to help them with these issues and I hope they are able to get past the fact that their wives, husbands, or significant others will never be storm troopers. They're science fiction and you will never be able to have sex with a storm trooper. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
I would also like to note that at no time did Team 1 express a desire to have sex with Frodo.