Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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^I can second that book. We have read multiple books about baby sleeping and we always come back to that one. It seems like everything he said in that book happened right when he said it would. Just like Flyer said, YMMV, but I would give that book a shot.

RE: Baby Insomnia

I've shared this story with a lot of people (mostly young parents). My younger daughter was about a year old. I took her for a pediatric check-up and the doctor asked if she was sleeping through the night. I told him that she had been, but had stopped. He said I should let her go back to sleep on her own if there was nothing wrong with her. I told him that I couldn't because she was sharing a room with her big sister and would cry and wake sister up. He said we needed a plan: When baby sister starts crying, get big sister out of bed and move to couch with blanket, pillow, etc. Close the bedroom door where baby sister is. What follows is unpleasant - screaming. There was nothing wrong with her. I knew that, when she stopped crying as soon as she heard me touch the door knob. It lasted a few nights. It has worked for others that I shared the story with. And for Flyer. Just my 2 cents.

Edit: Oh, how appropriate in the thread, "Sometimes you just need to scream!!!" Sometimes the baby just needs to scream.

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The only thing that finally worked for us was to just let him scream until he went back to sleep on his own.

It's really hard to get through it the first few times but like mary and flyer said they'll learn pretty quickly.

FWIW, this philosophy holds true for other behaviorial aspects as the baby gets older too. Once they learn that crying results in getting what they want, it is the tactic used whenever they want something. Giving into todddlers that throw a tantrum just to placate them for the moment, will only result in tantrums whenever they want something.

My biopsy came back negative so that's good news.

Mrs. Chucktown and I are a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10 and probably heading for the 2-3 range this week. :angry: Sweet marital bliss. I really despise arguing with her. I have never met a more illogical human being. My latest tactic, so I avoid losing my temper is to just keep repeating Ephesians 5:25 to myself in my head. It works well.

Other than that, I had a great weekend. Easter always puts me in a good mood.

As for the sleeping baby problem, we did the Ferber method. It worked well for us. That's where you let them scream for 5 minutes, then sooth them for 2 minutes, let the scream for 10 minutes, then sooth them for 2 minutes, adding 5 minutes at every step. We made it to 30 minutes one time with my daughter, never made it past 10 minutes other than that one episode.

Haven't needed to scream in a while, so I've not paid much attention to this thread for a few months now. But now it's my turn

fffffffffffffffffffff uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ...

I don't know if anyone saw my thread in the "other exams" forum, but, well, I failed. $300 out the damn door like a fart in the wind. Pisses me off!

I'm having an awful week. Mrs. Chucktown and I have been at each other's throats since Saturday. I know I shouldn't be "airing my dirty laundry" on the internet but I don't really have anyone to talk to. This looks like it will go down as the worst easter weekend ever. It's a shame too because it should be such a happy time.

Hey man you seem to be on a string of bad luck. I don't mean to pry but if you like your pastor that would be a good place to start.

And Baby ElCid will not sleep through the d#{:content:}amp; night at six months old; I love my daughter but I love my sleep too.
Mini snick was sleeping through the night until baout a month ago. now he gets up once or twice a night to eat.


Just talked to a co-worker (only been here for a year and out of school for 3) and she is getting to go to an ASME B31.3 trainning session. FULLY PAID for by the company.

I have been beating that F*(%&ING :deadhorse: for 4 years to go to that class!!!

By a technicality in the office, she had a boss in our WHQ for a couple months. In WHQ they cover all training with ease and send people to the class YEARLY. We haven't sent an engineer in my group to ANY training since I started 4 years ago.

Time to go :Banane35: and make sure the ol' resume is up to date.

I'm having an awful week. Mrs. Chucktown and I have been at each other's throats since Saturday. I know I shouldn't be "airing my dirty laundry" on the internet but I don't really have anyone to talk to. This looks like it will go down as the worst easter weekend ever. It's a shame too because it should be such a happy time.

Hey man you seem to be on a string of bad luck. I don't mean to pry but if you like your pastor that would be a good place to start.

And Baby ElCid will not sleep through the d#{:content:}amp; night at six months old; I love my daughter but I love my sleep too.
Mini snick was sleeping through the night until baout a month ago. now he gets up once or twice a night to eat.
Of course he's hungry! You guys grow your offensive linemen huge out there!

Do any of you think it would be noticeable if I started screaming in my office? (Please keep in mind that I am the only female here except for the office manager.) I have a co-worker that is driving me out of my MIND!!!!!!


I don't want to hate people, but people just make me hate them.

The entrance to our neighborhood is off a pretty busy road. There is an entrance to an apartment complex further down that road. It seems every few months someone will leave the apartment complex and forget to throw their trash in the dumpster before they pull out of the complex. It's one of those places where they have the one big trash compactor near the entrance of the complex, people don't want trash in their car, so they set the bag on their trunk or roof. If they forget that it's there and they they pull out onto the main road the trash will fall off the car and into the road, usually somewhere in front of our neighborhood. The trash bag will get run over by other motorists and the garbage from it usually ends up scattered along the roadside and getting blown into the landscaping along our neighborhoods frontage. I think this looks like ****. I'm on the HOA board, I know no one is going to clean it up, so when this happens I usually get a trashbag some rubber gloves and spend a half hour of my day picking up trash on the side of the road. I've gotten used to it, it's not so bad. I don't know if anyone in the neighborhood even notices that I do it. I don't really care if they do, I feel better knowing our community doesn't look like a dump.

Last night I came home and driving past the entrance to the neighborhood I saw that it had happened again and their was trash scattered all over the place. So I grab a trashbag and headed out there. While I'm picking up trash three young men (the sort that have the waistband of their pants far below their waists) walk past me (presumably from the apartment complex down the road). They ask me if I'm bing paid to pick up the trash. I tell them I am not being paid for it. They laugh and tell me "You know they pay people to do that?". They walk off laughing amongst themselves. I go back to picking up trash. A while later (30-45 minutes) I'm almost done and I see the same three young men walking back from the wherever they have been. They are carrying snacks, sodas, Doritos, some chocolate covered doughnuts, etc.. As they pass this time they say "How's it going trashman?" I ignore them. They get about 15' past me and they crumple up a soda can and throw it back at me. I pick it up and ask them why they did that. They respond by chanting "You da tashman! You da trashman!". There are three of them, one of me, I figure I'll just let it go. As I walk back towards the entrance of the neighborhood I see they have taken the wrappers of their other snacks and drinks and tossed them into our landscaping.

I find it really sad that their are people out there that would take pleasure in ruining someone else's day. It was amusing to these guys to know that I was out there picking up trash on my own time, so they decided to add to my work. I guess they don't mind their homes looking like a dump, but I like mine to look nice. I hope there is a thing called karma, and it bites those three squarely in the ass.

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Sadly, in a few years, your tax dollars will be paying for their doritos, their kids doritos, their healthcare, their cell phones, and their unemployment checks at a minimum.

My old house was a large corner lot, and my neighbors were raising several of those waist-line deficient teenagers. Every time I mowed my lawn, it was like a minefield of food wrappers, drink containers, and cigarette boxes. Every trash day, I could fill up half a bag with all that crap...and this was their neighborhood too. So I can attest that they really don't care if their own neighborhood looks like a dump.

Entitlement mentality. Born into it - Live with it - Foster it. Cycle around anew. Come on, I thought everyone knew how this worked by now.


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