Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Boy, must be nice if they're waking you guys up at 6:00. I'm already on my way to work by then!

So... here I am... still at work when I should have left 5 hours ago. Working maintenance is sometimes a bitch. But hey, I know that I'll at least be able to leave by 10:30 pm (2 more hours). That's when the craftsmen "time out" by reaching the max work hours allowed. :censored:

:censored: Just found out last week that the fiscal people stopped billing the PRP 2.5 yrs ago for a project I just inherited, without telling anyone they stopped. So the PRP gets a really big bill this week and calls wondering where the invoices are for our contractor support. Fiscal sent a bill for 96K+ without sending the 2.5 yrs worth of invoices to back it up.

I think I got someone in trouble this afternoon when I went asking about it.



I'm going to be out almost $3k on taxes, because I have no deductions to make, and even though I filed for the max withholding, it's still short! NC is taking almost $2300, and I've only been here 6 months!!!


I'm going to be out almost $3k on taxes, because I have no deductions to make, and even though I filed for the max withholding, it's still short! NC is taking almost $2300, and I've only been here 6 months!!!
Can you declare MIAF and the kid?

No. Not married, and MIAF files for the kid to get state assistance, EIC, etc.

I still have no idea how I file single 0 and end up owing that much money.

^^ Another benefit to marriage.

Yeah, but then I'm the one stuck paying for all the **** she'd normally get provided by the state since ******** doesn't pay child support.

I guess you have to decide if the tax deduction is better than the state benefits. Remember junior gives you a $1000 tax credit. So that's equivalent to at least $3000 in tax deduction. Plus married filing jointly gives you an extra $5700 on your standard deduction, and with two dependents instead of three you have an extra $7300 in exemptions. So all in all, theres at least a $5000 tax savings.


But then I'm stuck being married.

I'd also get additional deductions for:


Personal Freedom


Peace and quiet

Lack of in-laws...

But then I'm stuck being married.

I'd also get additional deductions for:


Personal Freedom


Peace and quiet

Lack of in-laws...
Give it a year or so. The new administration will take care of items one through three anyway.

And as far as #1 - from what I read on here, just hope you don't get taxed by the pound.

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But then I'm stuck being married.

I'd also get additional deductions for:


Personal Freedom


Peace and quiet

Lack of in-laws...
Give it a year or so. The new administration will take care of items one through three anyway.

And as far as #1 - from what I read on here, just hope you don't get taxed by the pound.

A year or so? Pretty sure they already have. Who wants to bet the extra "income" he put on my paycheck screwed up my withholdings?

No. Not married, and MIAF files for the kid to get state assistance, EIC, etc.
I still have no idea how I file single 0 and end up owing that much money.
If it makes you feel better, I'm married and we both claim zero and we still owe about $2k. If you're at a certain income level, and don't have much in the way of deductions, you either have to withhold extra or be prepared to pay every year. There's a calculator on the IRS website that can figure an estimate of your extra withholding for you, but I prefer just to pay it at tax time.

No. Not married, and MIAF files for the kid to get state assistance, EIC, etc.
I still have no idea how I file single 0 and end up owing that much money.
If it makes you feel better, I'm married and we both claim zero and we still owe about $2k. If you're at a certain income level, and don't have much in the way of deductions, you either have to withhold extra or be prepared to pay every year. There's a calculator on the IRS website that can figure an estimate of your extra withholding for you, but I prefer just to pay it at tax time.
I just don't want to get hammered with penalties at the end of the year. I'm ok on the Federal since its within $1k, but I'm getting whacked with state. I may move some more into my 401k, but as far as withholdings, I don't want to give these bastards any more of my money to do with as they please, only to screw me out of it come return time.

From my understanding, as a general rule, as long as you pay more in taxes each year (which given the political situation, as long as your income remains the same or increases, you will), you don't have to sweat the underpayment penalty too much. I'm not sure if there is a set rule on that, but all the research I've done and CPA's I've talked to seemed to agree on that. I'm not sure how it works for state income taxes though. Hooray TN!

Supe, if it makes you feel better, I'm getting 3K back, so we even out. Think of it as wealth redistribution.
