Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Cap'n - You're a jerk.

Chaos - The state penalty is what nailed me this year. What worries me is that I will make no less than an additional $16k this year, up to as much as $30k. If they nailed me bad this year, what are they going to hit me with when another 20% of income is added?

Chaos - The state penalty is what nailed me this year. What worries me is that I will make no less than an additional $16k this year, up to as much as $30k. If they nailed me bad this year, what are they going to hit me with when another 20% of income is added?
Good question. Might be worth talking to a CPA.

Sorry to change the subject, but I just have to gripe about something. My company has this awards program where we nominate our coworkers for the hard work that they do. For the last two years, one of my coworkers has griped that other people received awards for stuff that she helped them out on, but since the other people did the majority of the work, they were the ones to get the award and not her. Okay then, so this year, I wrote a very nice nomination for her on the work she did on a project. I got a bunch of managers and coworkers to review it and provide comments. We all do this on our own time, but I felt bad that she has never been recognized for all the hard work she does, so I thought it was worth it.

So today we have the awards ceremony (scheduled for 2 hours with a nice catered lunch at a nearby hotel). I have a feeling that she's going to win, so I ask her if she's going to go to the ceremony - she tells me that she wants to leave work early today and doesn't want to waste 2 hours to go to it. Turns out, she won a gold award, which was the highest award given out at our office. Our manager even called her prior to the start of the ceremony to tell her that she won and she should come over to receive her award. No, she wanted to continue working.

We all have deadlines and are super busy. It felt like she had no respect for the program, her award and the hard work we all put in to make sure she won. She also gets a nice bonus too as a result. Just seems like she doesn't appreciate it or value the program. Thanks for letting me gripe.

Sorry to change the subject, but I just have to gripe about something. My company has this awards program where we nominate our coworkers for the hard work that they do. For the last two years, one of my coworkers has griped that other people received awards for stuff that she helped them out on, but since the other people did the majority of the work, they were the ones to get the award and not her. Okay then, so this year, I wrote a very nice nomination for her on the work she did on a project. I got a bunch of managers and coworkers to review it and provide comments. We all do this on our own time, but I felt bad that she has never been recognized for all the hard work she does, so I thought it was worth it.
So today we have the awards ceremony (scheduled for 2 hours with a nice catered lunch at a nearby hotel). I have a feeling that she's going to win, so I ask her if she's going to go to the ceremony - she tells me that she wants to leave work early today and doesn't want to waste 2 hours to go to it. Turns out, she won a gold award, which was the highest award given out at our office. Our manager even called her prior to the start of the ceremony to tell her that she won and she should come over to receive her award. No, she wanted to continue working.

We all have deadlines and are super busy. It felt like she had no respect for the program, her award and the hard work we all put in to make sure she won. She also gets a nice bonus too as a result. Just seems like she doesn't appreciate it or value the program. Thanks for letting me gripe.
The ungrateful cup of turd....j/k. When it comes to more lavish affairs like that, the recipient should really be told a couple days in advance, not just prior to, so they can be available.

^ Snick: I respectfully disagree.

Although more notice would be nice, IMHO, klk's c0-worker did herself no favors by blowing off the awards lunch, especially when the manager sepcifically told her she was a recipient. A comment like "doesn't want to waste 2 hours to go to it" indicates that here was no real pressing ocmmitment that would have been upset by attending. If I were involved with the folks that make the awards decision I would certainly remember this snub in any future awards consideration. Heck, from her post it sounds like klk felt snubbed by this person and I doubt if she'd volunteer to be an advocate for this co-worker again.

Personally, I think these internal awards are total ********. In our company, all of the awards go to people in the headquarters office and the awarders pay very little attention to those of us who bring in the work in the smaller regional offices.

^Actually, these awards can't go to the corporate "higher up" type people. I think its a good program because its at least something that helps to recognize our peers. All of the winning nominations from the local offices are sent to the corporate committee who then select national winners. My coworker received one of the national awards.

I did feel snubbed that she didn't want to go, especially since she complained in years past that she never won anything. Her excuse today was that she told someone that she would get them something by the end of the day, and since she wanted to leave work early today, she had to work through lunch. I'm pretty sure it wasn't that time critical though. Also, no one except the managers and the committee know who the winners are, which makes the event more fun in my opinion.

I'm definitely not planning to write any future nominations for her. I'll spend my energy nominating people who appreciate it.

I was in a similar situation. I don't do office after hours Christmas parties. I firmly believe in a separation of home life and work life and never the twain shall meet. Anyway, one year they were going to give me an award for something, and suddenly everyone was asking if I was going to the Christmas party, where they gave out the awards. I told them no, unaware of the award. Finally, the president of the company asked me if I was going and I realized I had probably better, so I did.

Man, this makes me think of the good old days when we had recognition and catered parties every year or two. I think I get one at my 20 yr anniversary.

I'd be looking for any excuse to move a few things around to get a good meal.

klk, maybe your co-worker is either:

1. someone who isn't happy unless they have something to complain about

2. likes the thought of the recognition, but something so open and public makes her uncomfortable

3. had explosive diarea and was affraid of having a blowout during the ceremony

I'd vote #3 because that's what usually happens to me. However, I don't mind going to them much anymore since everyone has gotten used to me leaving a trail of mud at every step.

Well, it turns out that HR f'd up my withholdings. I filed as single 0, they've been withholding Single 3 for some reason. So, while I still owe this year, I'm surprised it's not waaaay more than I actually owe. But for the 2010 filing, I'm WAY behind as I'll be making about another $30k, so my already insanely taxed paycheck is now getting taxed more for both federal and state, and I have to withhold another $60 a month just to not owe for 2010.

I'm having an awful week. Mrs. Chucktown and I have been at each other's throats since Saturday. I know I shouldn't be "airing my dirty laundry" on the internet but I don't really have anyone to talk to. This looks like it will go down as the worst easter weekend ever. It's a shame too because it should be such a happy time.

I would say that I would throttle my boss, but I am currently pulling a Peter Gibbons and reporting to 7 bosses right now... my current direct supervisor is as useless as the last supervisor I had...

Is it a new prereq to be a ********* to be a supervisor???

I'm having an awful week. Mrs. Chucktown and I have been at each other's throats since Saturday. I know I shouldn't be "airing my dirty laundry" on the internet but I don't really have anyone to talk to. This looks like it will go down as the worst easter weekend ever. It's a shame too because it should be such a happy time.

Hey man you seem to be on a string of bad luck. I don't mean to pry but if you like your pastor that would be a good place to start.

And Baby ElCid will not sleep through the d#$& night at six months old; I love my daughter but I love my sleep too.

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And Baby ElCid will not sleep through the d#$& night at six months old; I love my daughter but I love my sleep too.
My son slept in 2-hour blocks all the way to 12 months. The only thing that finally worked for us was to just let him scream until he went back to sleep on his own. We had a video monitor in the room so we could see the crib and make sure there wasn't anything actually wrong. He needed to learn how to put himself back to sleep when he woke up in the middle of the night. The first couple of nights were brutal. He'd cry for over an hour at a crack before he fell back asleep. He was down to 10-15 minutes on night 3 or 4. By night 5, see you at 8am....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. All I'm saying is that's what worked for us, YMMV.

We picked up a book on the subject of sleep habits for kids and it worked really well for him: "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Marc Weissbluth, MD. Our pediatrician actually knows the author. His take on it was that "Marc's methods work. Other methods work too. The trick is to pick the one that you think will work well for you and stick with it."

Good luck. Baby induced insomnia is no fun at all.


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