Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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I would watch from the window and see if you can track the perps movements. After you find out which car is his, leave him a nasty gram.

I would watch from the window and see if you can track the perps movements. After you find out which car is his, leave him a nasty gram.
This! I would totally park like a jag on purpose, set my laptop up in the passenger seat (depending on the camera angle) and then create a Skype session that I could monitor from my work PC. And you could set the session to record in addition to monitoring in case you missed anything. ;)

We all have a cause that we believe in and will fight for, sometimes short-term, sometimes for life. Animal rights, political, social, etc.

Well, one of my co-workers "declares war" on a new project related cause seemingly daily. Today's cause: elimination of "unapproved" acronyms in email subject lines. Unfortunately, she's one of those people that forces her cause onto others so that it becomes their problem. So instead of sending a quick email out to the group reminding everyone of what's approved or not, she ends up sending out very pointed "throw you under the bus" type emails to a select few people (myself included) asking why we're allowing this to happen. Then she CC's the entire upper-management team.

This forces us to then not only address the problem, but do so in a "damage control" type of way. Somehow trying to keep the contractor willing to work with us because they're pissed for being called out, but also trying to convince upper management that there isn't really a problem, all while trying to demonstrate to the rest of the team that we're not the incompetent, lazy, idiots she tries to make us out to be. Oh, and do it all with a smile.

Bitch can go sit on a splintered broom stick.

It sounds like she's trying to create problems where none exist, to "solve" them and make herself look good. Is she vying for a promotion or something?

You're not the first to ask if WTF is approved.

No promotions are available. She's just a control/power freak.

Massive. It would crush a tank ass...

Put it back on her Dex, reply to all and make her look like the dumb one, that's what I do... I'm actually famous for it here and some of the PM's look forward to my well thought out professional responses that make the other guy look like a jacka$$.

For instance.

Dear "complainer",

Thank you for expressing your concern regarding the use of unapproved acronyms, I have reviewed my e-mail in box and found that you are correct that it is becoming excessive. Those of us intimately involved on these projects often become so busy that these insignificant details often do go by the wayside and I am sure it is impacting you and others as you sort and file your e-mails.

Because you have notified us of this issue, I have determined that a corrective action plan will be needed, and that the first step will have to be employee and contractor awareness of the proper acronyms. If you could please consolidate a list of these, we can then proceed with distribution and notification of the the impacts of not following the policy. Perhaps rather than just a mere list of the acronyms, you can provide the impacts and consequences in a memorandum.

I also suggest we initiate a commitee to review your memorandum, establish the distribution scope and create an office policy, perhaps you could be the lead on that? Any one else have any input?


Unfortunately we already have an approved acronym list, company policy, etc. For the most part, everyone here knows what she does and how she does it so they naturally take anything she says with a grain of salt. The only real damage control that needs to happen is with the design-build contractor. They have a very tight schedule and don't have time to drop everything and go back and fix what she deems is wrong. While *technically* it's incorrect, we still have the documentation and record of what's going on. I agree that these things need to be fixed and anything in the future needs to be done properly from here going forward, but I'm not going to ask the contractor to do it at the expense of the schedule and/or budget.
