Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Today was a long and frustrating day of calling apts, looking at houses online and trying to decide whether I want to move or not. Shouldn't be that big of a deal but sometimes, ok a lot of times, I let little things get to me. The cherry on top was when I left work today and saw someone had put a note on my car that read "you suck at parking". Trivial as it was, that was enough to drive me to tears after such a frustrating day. I don't even know what their deal was. I was in the spot, between the lines, but pulled a bit too far forward. Not into another spot, but into the road itself. I want to find them and dump a milkshake on their car.


Today was a long and frustrating day of calling apts, looking at houses online and trying to decide whether I want to move or not. Shouldn't be that big of a deal but sometimes, ok a lot of times, I let little things get to me. The cherry on top was when I left work today and saw someone had put a note on my car that read "you suck at parking". Trivial as it was, that was enough to drive me to tears after such a frustrating day. I don't even know what their deal was. I was in the spot, between the lines, but pulled a bit too far forward. Not into another spot, but into the road itself. I want to find them and dump a milkshake on their car.

Today when I left work there was another note on my car. This time it read "Bravo!". I guess I did a noteworthy parking job today. I purposely parked in a different area in the parking lot today.

Lol. He's probably a 50 year old creeper that saw my tank walking into work one day. Has anyone read the book The Collector? Silence of the Lambs was based off of it. This situation reminds me of that book...

Lol. He's probably a 50 year old creeper that saw my tank walking into work one day. Has anyone read the book The Collector? Silence of the Lambs was based off of it. This situation reminds me of that book...
The guy in that book kidnaps the girl and makes her live in the cellar of his country house, right? At least that would resolve your living situation...
