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the other parts of religion that bother me are the wars fought in the name of God, and the fact that organized religions are nothing more than multinational, multi-billion dollar corporations.
keeping the lines of agreeing to disagree' open here - there have been far more horrific wars fought having nothing to do with God (continuing to today). The root is always mankind's inhumanity to humanity (recognizing some wars Have to happen) - don't delude yourself into believing war, genocide, atrocities wouldn't occur if God & religion were historically absent

If you're curious, the other parts of religion that bother me are the wars fought in the name of God,
That's true, but far more people have been killed by Communist atheists - like Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao's Cultural Revolution. People will always find a reason to fight and kill each other.

I've got to stop looking in this thread. I think I'm repeating myself. This horse is dead and already turned into Elmer's glue.

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Yeah, that's what I thought you meant, but I wasn't sure. Actually, I wasn't that worked up about it, although maybe it seemed that way.
I wasn't firing off on you either DV.
I know, I was just kiddin' around with the poke of mine as well.

For the most part, I see this thread as a dead horse as well. Other than the occasional, well if I don't agree with your idea, yours must be bad or wrong post, I see nothing left to gain here.

That's true, but far more people have been killed by Communist atheists - like Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao's Cultural Revolution. People will always find a reason to fight and kill each other.
While it is true that those people were Atheists, the wars that they participated in were not based in religion (or lack thereof). The Crusades and Spanish Inquisition were fought/enacted based solely on religion. Can you point to a group of atheists that started an armed campaign against deists in order to spread their anti-religion?

As to the money question, while the Catholic church is the most egregious example of using money for non-noble causes (they even own/run their own city/country for goodness sake), there are many other religions that have strong, central cores that are run just like businesses. While individual churches may not subscribe to the policies of the central church, they still get that perception from me because of their association-by-name.

I also believe that all-to-often, people lean on religion as a crutch to make them feel good about their own ethical guidelines or charitable giving because they try to follow the lessons taught in the Bible and they tithe. Well, I consider myself to have a very strong foundation in ethics, and I give to charity outside of religion (although I would give a lot more if I could opt out of government-sponsored charity, but that's a whole 'nother discussion).

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While it is true that those people were Atheists, the wars that they participated in were not based in religion (or lack thereof). The Crusades and Spanish Inquisition were fought/enacted based solely on religion. Can you point to a group of atheists that started an armed campaign against deists in order to spread their anti-religion?
not trying to pick on you Dan, but my goodness! does it really matter that the atrocities caused by atheist or non-religious regimes weren't based soley on trying to spread anti-religious message / ideology? And actually in the case of the communist regimes that is very debateable (witness wonderful society of China & N. Korea).

Anyways, its like you're excusing or more tolerant of the far more numerous instances of war / genocide in non-religion based instances because of your bias against religion & the unfortunate wars / crusades / inquistions that occurred based strictly on that ideology.

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not trying to pick on you Dan, but my goodness! does it really matter that the atrocities caused by atheist or non-religious regimes weren't based soley on trying to spread anti-religious message / ideology? And actually in the case of the communist regimes that is very debateable (witness wonderful society of China & N. Korea).
Anyways, its like you're excusing or more tolerant of the far more numerous instances of war / genocide in non-religion based instances because of your bias against religion & the unfortunate wars / crusades / inquistions that occurred based strictly on that ideology.
Wait a sec...I was simply refuting a point made specifically by benbo. I made the point that there have been wars fought only for/in the name of religion, and benbo said that atheists have fought wars. I don't dispute that fact, nor do I dispute that more wars have been fought over oil, money, power, imperialism, etc. than religion, but that still doesn't refute my original point...

Wars fought in the name of God/Religion = Some

Wars fought in defense of Atheism = None

I seem to be getting a heavy dose of argument from priority. You are saying my arguments are invalid because there are other, greater ills in the world. That may be true, but it doesn't contradict my point.

The day will come when men will realize that it is not religion what they need, but the presence of God in their lives.

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The day will come when men will realize that it is not religion what they need, but the presence of God in their lives.
Amen, DK.

I just have to say one more thing, since we're beating dead horses.

I LOVE GOD. And I believe that God loves me.

Wait a sec...I was simply refuting a point made specifically by benbo. I made the point that there have been wars fought only for/in the name of religion, and benbo said that atheists have fought wars. I don't dispute that fact, nor do I dispute that more wars have been fought over oil, money, power, imperialism, etc. than religion, but that still doesn't refute my original point...
Wars fought in the name of God/Religion = Some

Wars fought in defense of Atheism = None

I seem to be getting a heavy dose of argument from priority. You are saying my arguments are invalid because there are other, greater ills in the world. That may be true, but it doesn't contradict my point.
Ok - point accepted; religion has been the sole cause of a # of wars thruout history & continuing to this day & very likely into the future. I didn't say anything about your statements being invalid, was simply searching for clarity on your stance. Lighten up Francis.

In modern history, i would say atheistic ideology / regimes (former USSR, Vietnam, present day Korea / China) have arguably had commensurate societal oppression attributable.

It could be argued that any war started to spread communism was a war to spread atheism. Korea, Viet Nam, and Afghanistan spring immediately to mind.
I would like to see that argued because everything that I have ever heard or read about communism points to it being purely a socioeconomic theory and system of government. It is completely devoid of religious language, either for or against. You may have associated the two in your head because some of the biggest proponents of communism in history have been atheists, but that does not mean that it is a part of the theory.

Ok - point accepted; religion has been the sole cause of a # of wars thruout history & continuing to this day & very likely into the future. I didn't say anything about your statements being invalid, was simply searching for clarity on your stance. Lighten up Francis.
In modern history, i would say atheistic ideology / regimes (former USSR, Vietnam, present day Korea / China) have arguably had commensurate societal oppression attributable.
I think you and the Cap'n are confusing Secular governments with Atheistic governments.

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Man, I avoided opening this topic until now (b/c I don't think anything can be gained by joining in this subject of conversation) but it looks like I missed some entertaining stuff. I guess I know what I'll

be reading today.


I would like to see that argued because everything that I have ever heard or read about communism points to it being purely a socioeconomic theory and system of government.
From a purely theoretical point, you're right. But in practice the commies have been quite active against organized religion.

Man, I avoided opening this topic until now (b/c I don't think anything can be gained by joining in this subject of conversation) but it looks like I missed some entertaining stuff. I guess I know what I'llbe reading today.

Feel free to add comments, roadwreck.

I would like to see that argued because everything that I have ever heard or read about communism points to it being purely a socioeconomic theory and system of government. It is completely devoid of religious language, either for or against. You may have associated the two in your head because some of the biggest proponents of communism in history have been atheists, but that does not mean that it is a part of the theory.

I think you and the Cap'n are confusing Secular governments with Atheistic governments.
You are mistaken whilheldp_PE, Communism seeks to eliminate religion and absoulte morality. Communism has contradictions with both and in order for the State to assume its rightful place in a communist society all religious institutions must be removed from the social framework. That's paraphrasing Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto and The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.

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