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anyone have one of those Roomba vacuum cleaner things?  almost all of downstairs is either wood or tile and if it works would be nice - the one bad thing about wood floors is they just show all the dust and dirt..just curious if they work - we have a dog / cat but no serious shedding - but obviously there is fur around..

if you will be using it in a space without stairs or a lot of transitions it should work fine, or else you have to keep those stupid magnetic strips out to keep it from falling down the stairs or getting into areas you don't want.  

My sister has one and it works for a general cleaning, but it doesn't do edges very well.  My parents have used it and it goes from the carpet to the tile just fine.  

Pretty sure my dental hygienist from yesterday was new.  She nearly drowned me with the water scaler.

I feel like one of the ways you know you've "been around a while" in an industry, is when you start calling college friends for legitimate business/technical reasons.

Trying to find a rash guard for vacation since melanoma runs in the family and we'll be on the beach/in the sun a bunch.  One of the off-brands has "HARDCORE WATERSPORTS" plastered on the front.  Eh.... no thank you....

Looks like Dick's has a bunch of closeout stuff and is on the way home.  Probably pop in there since I need another racquetball anyways.  Want to put one on a jigsaw as a massage tool!

Is it the same way in other states? We here have to check at 4:30 pm the business day before, starting the Friday before, to see if we have to report. If we don't have to report that next day, we have to keep checking every day until they say no one else has to. I've never been called for jury duty while I was living in the only other state (VT) I lived in as an adult.
