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Had 6 roommates my freshman year.  We were in an "apartment-style" dorm where there were 4 bedrooms (one double, two singles, and a triple) and two bathrooms. I was in the triple, but it wasn't a big deal because I had the single bed on one side and the other two were in bunks on the other side. 5 of the roommates were cool as hell, I'm still friends with a few of them. One was really weird, but he mostly kept to himself.

Sophomore year I lived in the frat house. Honestly don't know how many of us were in the building (somewhere around 60). The rooms were setup in a 2-4-2 arrangement where 4 guys would share 3 rooms: all 4 of us slept in bunks in the center room then two each on the adjacent "study" rooms, then we had the dorm-style communal bathroom/laundry (one upstairs and one downstairs). Everyone shared a room except for the chapter president and VP who had solo rooms and the treasurer didn't have to share a study room.

Junior year I had moved in with my girlfriend and I've lived with her ever since...

I had nine roommates the first year.  Only one was a genuine dick, and we had fun pranking him (his GF helps him move in, he dumps her that night over instant messenger, and starts dating this nasty chick who he practically moves in).   The other 8 weren't bad, with 5 of them being genuinely decent/fun guys.  My other three years all had four roommates at a time, and only one of them was a dick.  Two of them were at my wedding.  I got pretty lucky over the course of a few years!

I actually saw a decent number of females there from what we saw on our visit -

Also I think the kid is starting to realize I may know something about engineering school after all (he didn’t believe my stories about needing green paper)


I actually saw a decent number of females there from what we saw on our visit -

Also I think the kid is starting to realize I may know something about engineering school after all (he didn’t believe my stories about needing green paper)

Is he using the EB Amazon link to get the green paper?

they have two pallets of it at the bookstore (cheap too)!!

But for future parents of college kids, amazon prime works out pretty nice for stuff they end up needing -

The school "gives" all students a lap top, but  most textbooks are actually now electronic, which sucks for a small laptop screen  so we shipped him a cheapo acer 19 IN screen for a second screen for like 50 bucks - was there in less than two days..

Also I think the kid is starting to realize I may know something about engineering school after all (he didn’t believe my stories about needing green paper)

My school didn't require green paper. So I designed my own engineering paper and printed it in the school computer lab on white paper.  Worked well because I could pre-print my name and student number on it too.

i was told to print anywhere on campus they have to insert their student ID and they get charged like .03/ page so I just had him buy the large pack that was $12 bucks for like 500 sheets!

but it would be cool to have your own, ive seen where you can get your own printed for you and delivered fairly cheap - i have thought about having some EB green paper made but just never pulled the trigger on it!

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♫ You don't have to be loooonely, at SDSMT.edu... ♫

I had nine roommates the first year.  Only one was a genuine dick, and we had fun pranking him (his GF helps him move in, he dumps her that night over instant messenger, and starts dating this nasty chick who he practically moves in).   The other 8 weren't bad, with 5 of them being genuinely decent/fun guys.  My other three years all had four roommates at a time, and only one of them was a dick.  Two of them were at my wedding.  I got pretty lucky over the course of a few years!
How many were female again?

p.s. how did EB let this one slip by? Shame. Shame.
