I'm now out of the seasonal funk. I didn't but the lamp last night.
So, random question, when did you get financially 'all right'. I feel like I'm struggling with the whole single income, but I really don't want to get in a relationship/roommates/married if I don't have to. I know it'll be slow going, but I don't really know if I ever want to buy a house/a rental/whatever. I'd rather throw that money into the market or IRAs and ignore it.https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2019/dec/10/study-predicts-chattanoogwill-be-countrys-hir/510288/
Let's hope my property value goes up! I'm thinking I should buy a rental....
is this for him or for anyone?So, random question, when did you get financially 'all right'. I feel like I'm struggling with the whole single income, but I really don't want to get in a relationship/roommates/married if I don't have to. I know it'll be slow going, but I don't really know if I ever want to buy a house/a rental/whatever. I'd rather throw that money into the market or IRAs and ignore it.
For anyone, tbh. I get so many conflicting answers.is this for him or for anyone?
and what is your definition of "all right"?
OK Boomerhttps://www.liveleak.com/view?t=uq8PL_1579879277
I'm sure the Indian engineers who designed this structure would be welcomed with open arms by the immigration authorities of the U.S. or Canada as it increases the "diversity" of society and of course increases the supply of engineers to keep salaries down.
Under your definition, I was probably there 2 years after I graduated college.For anyone, tbh. I get so many conflicting answers.
Definition of 'all right' - Able to pay bills, put maybe 10% of paycheck into regular savings, maaaaaaybe max out the 401k, take a semi-nice vacation each year (like $3k/person max?).
Don't guess I'll ever be "all right". I can do all the savings and retirement stuff, but I will never be able to justify $3k / person for vacation, especially every year. And that's "semi-nice"? Sh*t, I don't think we've spent a TOTAL of $3k on vacations over the past 5 years. I can't even imagine what we would do with that budget for a vacation. Maybe you guys making fatty money can weigh in and let me know what I'm missing.Definition of 'all right' - Able to pay bills, put maybe 10% of paycheck into regular savings, maaaaaaybe max out the 401k, take a semi-nice vacation each year (like $3k/person max?).
See, after college I had a ton of debt, and I tried to pay it down, but it's only...5ish years after that I started getting good traction where I could actually afford to throw a little extra to it, and 2 years late (aka: now), I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for a majority of my debt being gone by 2022. I really want to max out my 401k in the future, but not sure how easy that will be until I pay down a majority of this debt. I mean, I know I'm kinda young (31), but I really want to get more serious about this since my 20s were working a job where I wasn't getting paid what I was worth and financially I'm really feeling it now.Under your definition, I was probably there 2 years after I graduated college.
BUT my mother helped me pay for college a lot more than I was expecting and I got 80% of her GI Bill benefits so I was able to pay off what student loans I had. Plus no car payment. and a small apartment and being pretty thrifty. then lifestyle creep happened and I spent a bit like an *******. and while I don't have debt now, I don't know if I'd be comfortable with a 3k$ vacation (financially, i'd be ok with it but mentally, no) [but also my idea of a vacation is going backpacking so...]