I've had frozen beef, it's ok. So, my interest in this sparkling gravy is piqued. What?????Debate topic:
Which would you rather drink?
A) Sparkling Gravy, or
B) Orange Beefsicle flavored energy drink
Sparkling Gravy would basically be a thin-medium thickness gravy with a champagne/sparkling cider-like level of carbonation.
Orange beefiscle would be like an orange creamsicle Reign, so a watery-thin but mildly carbonated orange taste that finishes as a cross between beef aus jus and cream soda.
IT HAPPENED AGAIN. I have no idea what is going on, but I am def waking up every night at around 2:15/3:00am! It's kinda scary to look at my fitbit and seeing it, consistently, every night, since I started recording December 20th. This even include the weekends, when I stay up late and then sleep in way past my normal wake-up time.So my sleep has been weird like the last week or so where I've been going to bed at 10:30/11:00pm and then waking up at 2:30/3:00am for no reason, can't get back to bed for like a half hour, and then falling back to sleep until my alarm goes off. My fitbit has actually shown this consistently all last week (and even when I stayed up really late, like 1:30am, I still woke up at the same time noted above). I...don't know what is going on. I went to bed late last night, with usual 'work' wakeup, and I still had a blurb of waking then.
Going to have to check this out some more.
Hehe, I guess it's because it's a spell checker, not a typographical checker? I mean, "dude" *is* spelled correctly, trolololol.Today, in Word doesn't pick up all typos:
[SIZE=11pt]Dude to the proximity to Rattlesnake Creek Wind Farm, geotechnical information from that site was used for the basis of this study. [/SIZE]