Greeeeat. The leg ones are what I'm worried about, since my knees are bad, and my hips have a tendency to pop out quite a bit (I was having some trouble with that in the leg lift exercises from the Ab Ripper). MIAF was laughing as I walked about the house last evening with two bags of frozen corn tucked in my pants. I'm a bit concerned about this evening's exercises, mostly because I can barely move. In fact, I could barely lift my arms high enough to reach the steering wheel this morning.
It was I who defined Plyo so eloquently. To be honest, I found Plyo harder on the cardio side than I did on the legs side. Now, Legs and Back is a different story. The wall squats, especially one-legged, will make you want to lop them off instead of doing the next set.
You are going to be sore as all hell for at least the first two weeks. But the only way you will get ANY relief from the soreness is to do the next workout. Then you will be less sore until you wake up the next morning. There were days that I couldn't walk down stairs or wipe my own ass. Good times.