Master slacker
Something awesome.
I got the bands from Beach Body and they're pretty darn good IMO.
Results are coming though, however my body must be laughing at me because one place I am losing the LEAST is my lower belly area. Progress there is slllllooooowwwwwwwwwww.
Only an engineer.Three and a half weeks to go for me. Total weight loss so far is 15 lbf. My knees are just now starting to get sore (remember, I have bad knees). I won't check my body fat % again until I'm done in a few weeks, but I can tell you that my body looks completely different to both my wife and me, even now. Must... stay... the course...
Only an engineer.Three and a half weeks to go for me. Total weight loss so far is 15 lbf. My knees are just now starting to get sore (remember, I have bad knees). I won't check my body fat % again until I'm done in a few weeks, but I can tell you that my body looks completely different to both my wife and me, even now. Must... stay... the course...
:multiplespotting: :appl: :appl:I officially COMPLETED P90X!!! :woot:
My last workout was this past Friday, but yesterday was my "after" assessment (wall sits, pull ups, push ups, etc...) and measurements. Bottom line, I am astonished by the difference. My pull up count went from 3 to 12. My vertical leap increased 3 inches. I lost 20 lbf. I lost 2 inches from my waist and 4 from my hips, and lost 1.5 inches from my thigh among other accomplishments. I don't exactly look like the folks on TV doing the commercials, but I don't doubt those results anymore. My wife told me to not expect much of a physical change by doing this since it's only 90 days, but I believe even she is shocked... in a good way.
I plan to do the whole workout routine again, but only 3 or so times per week. It'll end up being P180+X or something like that, but I gotta keep doing this so I don't revert to my softer self. Wifey-wife has already bought me some new jeans and shorts while getting the stuff that fit 3 months ago ready for the Salvation Army. Seriously, the jeans I wore to work 3 months ago can be pulled off without unbuttoning them.
If you are on the fence about doing this, but you know you could commit the time for 90 days, I highly recommend doing this. It's only 90 days of your life and it is worth it.
lol. Keep up the good work.Shortly after it started, I began to feel the effects of the program. My calves were screaming, lungs burning for oxygen, and tears were streaming from my face. Unfortunately, at this point I had only completed the pre-exercise warm ups, which more or less included 4 minutes of jogging in place, followed by some minor stretching.