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I'm starting P90X on Monday, October 4. My wife and I both work full time, and we have a 4 year old and a 7 month old. With work, kids, family, etc. I really don't see myself having time to workout for 1 to 1.5 hours per day (plus warmup time). My plan is to shoot for a minimum of 3 workouts per week. I plan on following the P90X workout schedule as far as the order of the workouts, but the timeframe will take approximately twice as long. Has anyone done this type of workout? Any reccomendatoins or heads ups with this?

Obviously, it'll take longer and may not be as effective, but you should still get some good results. As has been said before, do any exercise program for 90 days (or longer) and you're bound to see results. Just make sure you stick to the diet plan even on the days you don't exercise. Screw that up and you'll be limiting your results.

I'm nearing the end of my final work week of phase 2 and I cannot wait until the recovery week. Feels the same as phase 1 - first two weeks feel pretty good (sore), but that 3rd week is where I just feel beat down. More sleep doesn't help much. Oy! Results are coming though, however my body must be laughing at me because one place I am losing the LEAST is my lower belly area. Progress there is slllllooooowwwwwwwwwww.

I've been sticking with this pretty well and just got a set of powerblocks with the gf (she's been doing it too). Down about 10lb (and I was already in great shape) since getting started but most of that is attributable to swim/bike/run workouts and not eating enough thanks to a totally whacked out night schedule that threw off my appetite pretty badly.

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I've been contemplating getting mr snick this for xmas. The diet part sounds manageable with his work/family schedule but the exercise part might prove a little difficult to keep up with.

but at the same time he got an exercise bike last christmas stating he would use it and he has used it once in the past 6 months...which is exactly what I told him would happen....so I'm not sure it would be money well spent.

I got a pirated copy I could ahem part with for um......<send PM>

actually I think I am way to lazy to make all those copies....

I keep telling myself when I finalzie the basement project (I'll have a workout room) that this is priority #1.. Of course my mind knows I am months away so its a good story my brain tells my gut...

I did this program for a couple of weeks, and I dont think that was long enough to see results but I can say I was sore as **** the days after the workout, it definaelty makes you sweat...

Three and a half weeks to go for me. Total weight loss so far is 15 lbf. My knees are just now starting to get sore (remember, I have bad knees). I won't check my body fat % again until I'm done in a few weeks, but I can tell you that my body looks completely different to both my wife and me, even now. Must... stay... the course...

Three and a half weeks to go for me. Total weight loss so far is 15 lbf. My knees are just now starting to get sore (remember, I have bad knees). I won't check my body fat % again until I'm done in a few weeks, but I can tell you that my body looks completely different to both my wife and me, even now. Must... stay... the course...
Only an engineer.

Three and a half weeks to go for me. Total weight loss so far is 15 lbf. My knees are just now starting to get sore (remember, I have bad knees). I won't check my body fat % again until I'm done in a few weeks, but I can tell you that my body looks completely different to both my wife and me, even now. Must... stay... the course...
Only an engineer.

How many newtons is that???

I officially COMPLETED P90X!!! :woot:

My last workout was this past Friday, but yesterday was my "after" assessment (wall sits, pull ups, push ups, etc...) and measurements. Bottom line, I am astonished by the difference. My pull up count went from 3 to 12. My vertical leap increased 3 inches. I lost 20 lbf. I lost 2 inches from my waist and 4 from my hips, and lost 1.5 inches from my thigh among other accomplishments. I don't exactly look like the folks on TV doing the commercials, but I don't doubt those results anymore. My wife told me to not expect much of a physical change by doing this since it's only 90 days, but I believe even she is shocked... in a good way. ;)

I plan to do the whole workout routine again, but only 3 or so times per week. It'll end up being P180+X or something like that, but I gotta keep doing this so I don't revert to my softer self. Wifey-wife has already bought me some new jeans and shorts while getting the stuff that fit 3 months ago ready for the Salvation Army. Seriously, the jeans I wore to work 3 months ago can be pulled off without unbuttoning them.

If you are on the fence about doing this, but you know you could commit the time for 90 days, I highly recommend doing this. It's only 90 days of your life and it is worth it.


I officially COMPLETED P90X!!! :woot:
My last workout was this past Friday, but yesterday was my "after" assessment (wall sits, pull ups, push ups, etc...) and measurements. Bottom line, I am astonished by the difference. My pull up count went from 3 to 12. My vertical leap increased 3 inches. I lost 20 lbf. I lost 2 inches from my waist and 4 from my hips, and lost 1.5 inches from my thigh among other accomplishments. I don't exactly look like the folks on TV doing the commercials, but I don't doubt those results anymore. My wife told me to not expect much of a physical change by doing this since it's only 90 days, but I believe even she is shocked... in a good way. ;)

I plan to do the whole workout routine again, but only 3 or so times per week. It'll end up being P180+X or something like that, but I gotta keep doing this so I don't revert to my softer self. Wifey-wife has already bought me some new jeans and shorts while getting the stuff that fit 3 months ago ready for the Salvation Army. Seriously, the jeans I wore to work 3 months ago can be pulled off without unbuttoning them.

If you are on the fence about doing this, but you know you could commit the time for 90 days, I highly recommend doing this. It's only 90 days of your life and it is worth it.

:multiplespotting: :appl: :appl:

I'd be a lot more motivated to start if you had a DVD burner :D

I'm very tempted to do this though. I've started dieting again for real, and the doctors aren't giving me a world of confidence in being able to fix my back. As much as losing the weight again would give me a better quality of life, I'm more concerned with the core exercises helping my back, which would increase my quality of life 10 fold.

The Core Synergistics workout didn't do much for my "core". The whole program helped my back, legs, and knees. One workout didn't make the difference. In all, I spent about $130 on the program and resistence bands. For the results I got, you can't get a bargain like that in a gym. I'm back down to what I weighed in undergrad and looking back at my pictures months ago, I really don't want to go back to looking like that.

The last few weeks sucked, though. I will say that. Knowing you're so close and you're doing the same workouts you've done time and time again, it wore on me.

OK, P90X officially began for me last night, complete with pull-up bar and resistance bands. It was Chest and Back, followed by Ab Ripper X.

Shortly after it started, I began to feel the effects of the program. My calves were screaming, lungs burning for oxygen, and tears were streaming from my face. Unfortunately, at this point I had only completed the pre-exercise warm ups, which more or less included 4 minutes of jogging in place, followed by some minor stretching.

Once the real deal started, I began to realize just why people lose weight on P90X - they can't crawl far enough to reach the kitchen.

The pull-up bar quickly pointed out that the strong, lean, college Supe was gone, and all that remained was the strength of a 3 year old girl, with the gut of a 49 year old on the beer and ice cream diet. The pushups went well initially, until the inclines came. Of course, they really ought to change the sequence of this particular routine to avoid lawsuits, as my arms were pure gelatin at this point, with the final result being a face plant and subsequent carpet burns. Unfortunately for me, I was only half way through the routine, and the second half was identical to the first.

Minutes after completing the first half of the complete workout, as I lie on the living room floor in the fetal position, I knew something was wrong. First came the yawn, then the burps with flavors so vivid you could identify everything you'd eaten in the past 3 years. With the speed and grace of a walrus flopping onto a beach during mating season, I managed to military crawl my way into the bathroom just in time for all of my puke to make it in the bowl.

I'll leave out the details of Ab Ripper X, partly because the results are very similar to Chest and Back, and partly because I'm relatively certain that there was a 5-6 minute period in which I was blacked out on floor, wrapped in sweaty clothes, resistance bands, and shame.

1 down, 89 to go!

Shortly after it started, I began to feel the effects of the program. My calves were screaming, lungs burning for oxygen, and tears were streaming from my face. Unfortunately, at this point I had only completed the pre-exercise warm ups, which more or less included 4 minutes of jogging in place, followed by some minor stretching.
lol. Keep up the good work.

Oooooooh! Plyo is next! As someone else so elequently put it, "Plyo" is latin for "you don't need your legs anyway".
