Not sure if everyone has seen this yet but I noticed this on the NCEES website and also saw everyone talking about it so I thought I would share.
“Individuals who took the October exam will be unable to register for the January exam. Results from the October exam will not be released prior to the close of registration for the January exam, and examinees are unable to register for any exam when results are pending from a previous exam. The same is true for the January 2021 administration and being able to register for the April 2021 exam—results from January will not be released prior to the close of the April registration period. Registration deadlines cannot be changed.”

Ahh jeez that sucks.
First let me admit that I was wrong at the top of this page.
Second, wow a 53+ day wait is going to be awful! This administration might surpass Oct 2019 as one of the worst wait periods!