October 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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I found the director of exam services for NCEES on LinkedIn and it took a lot for me not to message him and ask him to come off these results a lil bit.
If you do there might be a new article about an NCEES examinee having their score invalidated for pure annoyance

If you do there might be a new article about an NCEES examinee having their score invalidated for pure annoyance
"The post appeared on www.engineerboards. com, a Web site created by engineers interested in sharing advice—as well as some war stories—with others preparing for the FE and PE exams. The post was on the Internet for 10–15 minutes before being removed, according to NCEES Exam Development Engineer Tim Miller, P.E. The site is one of several that NCEES staff closely monitors in the days following exam administrations."

Time to frantically go back and delete everything I have posted

every minute and a half?  In alternating languages, font sizes and colors ...  well past the tipping point!!

so ...folks who can't even manage to schedule a meeting in a timely fashion or run some tests through a scan-tron machine less than weeks hold the keys to our future .. great!!!!
The process is very involved and methodical so as to maintain the high standards of entry into our profession.  The wait sucks now but you'll appreciate it on the other side.


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