October 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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I have a question.  Is there a reason we are only looking for the control systems meeting and not the meeting for Industrial and Systems meeting as well?

I have a question.  Is there a reason we are only looking for the control systems meeting and not the meeting for Industrial and Systems meeting as well?
The only P&P exam in Oct 2019 with new specs was Control Systems.

ISyE starts their new exam specs effective Oct 2020. And fwiw, the Oct 2020 ISyE exam is CBT.

The only P&P exam in Oct 2019 with new specs was Control Systems.

ISyE starts their new exam specs effective Oct 2020. And fwiw, the Oct 2020 ISyE exam is CBT.

I still like to think the person who answered the email just didn't know what was being referenced.  That gives me hope, that at some point we will get our answers.

Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  Today I will not sit and refresh all things related to PE results at work.  

So is ISA who conducts the standards setting meeting?  If so, is it worth a shot to try calling them and just asking when the meeting is scheduled for?  
Please don't!

Everyone just let it be. People are stressed out and someone might accidentally come off as harassing. The results will be out soon enough. We're still probably in the 8-10 week window.

In a couple months, no one will care about a 1-4 week slip from the "normal" Day-40ish date.

Is there anyone who has an knowledge about the time of the day generally PE results are released ? like noon? in the morning ? at 12:00 am exactly ? 

Is there anyone who has an knowledge about the time of the day generally PE results are released ? like noon? in the morning ? at 12:00 am exactly ? 
last time it was released around 3 PM in FL

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Disclaimers: This exercise is intended to help determine the latest probable initial release. There's a good chance that the release will be well ahead of these dates. Also, I took this information from the NCEES website, assuming that it was an accurate aggregation of information from the state boards.

So, there are only 7 states that I could find that require some form of reapplication every time you fail the exam and want to retake it. When I initially posted on this topic, I thought there were several more, so it might not be as vital as I thought. Nevertheless, here's the list of states, along with deadlines, if they have them:

  • Maine - December 31st
  • Ohio - January 20th
  • New Hampshire and Tennessee - February 1st
  • North Dakota - February 15th
  • Alaska - No hard deadline.
  • Hawaii - You get one shot, B*+©#&$! Better make it a good one!
I believe that NCEES will try to accommodate as many of these dates as they can. As I stated, previously, the member boards are NCEES's customers, and I trust that they want to keep them happy. That being said, I think they may end up cutting it close for Maine's deadline, but the initial release should be well ahead of Ohio's deadline.

As usual, @RBHeadge PE should prune me down if I'm growing a little too tall for my own good.
FL requires a reexamination application.

Disclaimers: This exercise is intended to help determine the latest probable initial release. There's a good chance that the release will be well ahead of these dates. Also, I took this information from the NCEES website, assuming that it was an accurate aggregation of information from the state boards.

So, there are only 7 states that I could find that require some form of reapplication every time you fail the exam and want to retake it. When I initially posted on this topic, I thought there were several more, so it might not be as vital as I thought. Nevertheless, here's the list of states, along with deadlines, if they have them:

  • Maine - December 31st
  • Ohio - January 20th
  • New Hampshire and Tennessee - February 1st
  • North Dakota - February 15th
  • Alaska - No hard deadline.
  • Hawaii - You get one shot, B*+©#&$! Better make it a good one!
I believe that NCEES will try to accommodate as many of these dates as they can. As I stated, previously, the member boards are NCEES's customers, and I trust that they want to keep them happy. That being said, I think they may end up cutting it close for Maine's deadline, but the initial release should be well ahead of Ohio's deadline.

As usual, @RBHeadge PE should prune me down if I'm growing a little too tall for my own good.
Rhode Island requires a letter request to re-take before their deadline, Jan 1, which if the results take too long to come out could very well be an issue. 

From RI's website

"State approval application deadlines:

  • January 1st for April Examination & August 1st for October Examination.
  • First time examinees must complete the RI Board Application for PE by Exam, and submit with all required documentation.
  • Examinees who have been previously approved by the RI Board must submit a letter requesting approval to schedule a retake of the exam.
  • Once you receive your approval notification from the RI Board, you must register and pay exam fees to NCEES Administrative Services http://ncees.org/exams/ to reserve your seat for the exam.
First time and repeat exams, deadline for applications to board is:
January 1, 2019"


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