October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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Many years ago I worked as a health inspector. Some of the places I inspected had irregular or non-regular business hours, so I would have to schedule an inspection time with them;  a couple weeks notice.

To be clear: they would know exactly when I was showing up and what I was going to be inspecting.

You'd think, with two weeks notice and all the foreknowledge, that they'd make an effort to pretend to clean up or fix things. Nine times out of ten, they wouldn't do anything before I arrived.  They were always totally surprised that I would cite them or shut them down. Most of my findings were for easily correctable (or concealable) violations.

It's like they thought that because they knew about a "surprise" inspection, it made them immune from the normal regs and laws.

Why do I bring this up? It's just to show that even when someone knows something is coming, they can still be surprised.

So have one of my favorite types of projects (new department store) ... except in remodel form, fast tracked, with a transitioning architectural team between offices, and nobody wants to make decisions.  I have spent most of this day wanting to punch someone.  And nobody will respect the slab.  Gahaaaaaaaaaaaa!

OH WAIT.  Sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to be freaking out about results threads!  My bad, I'm sorry!  Let me start freaking out again!
Wait for it.... the pressure will get to you 

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