October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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and i took some math class that satisfied a computer science and my calc 2 course, with a program called mathmatica????

so everything was typed into a program and solved....except the exams were pencil and paper and no calculators and you couldn't trial and error the input like WTF DID I DO TO MYSELF
How is that even helpful?  I mean, to have an exam that is 100% the opposite of everything they taught?

wait like 1e-10 m = 1 angstrom? Was this a nano-materials class?
Yup.  It was a materials engineering class that calculated the properties and movement of material/molecules at a small scale using advanced calculus and really weird formula.  I'd have heart-attacks it a measurement came out bigger than a mm.  It was taught by a delightful Jewish man, though, who had a wonderful NY accent and was very understanding on us poor students who really had no idea what was going on sometimes.

Yup.  It was a materials engineering class that calculated the properties and movement of material/molecules at a small scale using advanced calculus and really weird formula.  I'd have heart-attacks it a measurement came out bigger than a mm.  It was taught by a delightful Jewish man, though, who had a wonderful NY accent and was very understanding on us poor students who really had no idea what was going on sometimes.
NY accents are the BEST. I so wish I had one.  


And no it's not a problem. I control it, it doesn't control me.

Unsweet ice tea, 3 sweet-and-low packets. Many times over the course of the week.

Yes, I've done the math comparing that to the lab rats being force fed artificial sweeter to determine cancer rates. Yes I know it's actually comparable to my situation. No I don't care.

I think my first year we had studio mwf but it was at 8am, after that I wanna say we had like Tues/thurs, but 6 hour sessions. I frequently had little or no classes on mondays and fridays thru school. lol
Allllll the years were MWF 12:30-4:30.  And Arch history was T-Th at 8am.  I wanted to enjoy that class.... but I just didn't work out for me.  Nothing like a dark room after no sleep to send you right to nap time.  His attendance method was we had to sketch a slide on a notecard before the end of class.  I was known to show up in the last 15 minutes and sketch it from outside the room, and pass it in the door when he collected them.


And no it's not a problem. I control it, it doesn't control me.

Unsweet ice tea, 3 sweet-and-low packets. Many times over the course of the week.

Yes, I've done the math comparing that to the lab rats being force fed artificial sweeter to determine cancer rates. Yes I know it's actually comparable to my situation. No I don't care.
Pffft, my parents are both diabetic, so I grew up with that.  Pretty sure I don't care and I have a better chance being killed by a rouge tsunami than a couple extra sweet-n-low.

How is that even helpful?  I mean, to have an exam that is 100% the opposite of everything they taught?

i mean, i was a master of getting multiple requirements out of the way with one course so i did it to myself but like COME ON.

plants pathogens and people was a composition, a science and like one other. AND we only wrote one paper every 3 weeks. rough draft, revised and final. ha. I WON THAT COURSE. it was also right next door to my floral design class and i scheduled those fabulously together!

Passed off my groundwater sampling gig since I have three reports due before Christmas spam.

My other field job might be postponed too, so it's looking like I will be in the office when results come out!  Yay for not having to cry in front of random strangers.

Edit: TOP  :bananalama:

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Passed off my groundwater sampling gig since I have three reports due before Christmas spam.

My other field job might be postponed too, so it's looking like I will be in the office when results come out!  Yay for not having to cry in front of random strangers.
I'm not allowed to go in the field anymore...I got to do a day of sonic drilling before I got a call pretty much saying "Why are you in the field?  Get back here and write!"

I am an indoor cat scratching their nails against the backdoor.

My fav was a class on Feminist film directors.  Man, that teacher loved my bs writing.
This reminds me of a German Literature class I was in. The time I did the absolute best and interpreting a story in German was when, spoiler, I hadn't a lick of an idea of what the story was about.

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