October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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I’m in the same boat this was my third time. Stay positive we haven’t failed again yet. It’s not happening... we three are passing I have read the tea leaves.  stay strong!!!!!
Yayyy even more solidarity! Thanks for the words of encouragement.  I hope the tea leaves are right! :)

Ok so everyone talking about thermo has me thinking about the classes I thought I would fail, but ended up passing...to this day, I am shocked I did not fail Dynamics and Vibrations. Structural engineers, I salute you! That class was so hard and I was never so relieved to make a C!

What about you all, what class were you grateful for passing?

Ok so everyone talking about thermo has me thinking about the classes I thought I would fail, but ended up passing...to this day, I am shocked I did not fail Dynamics and Vibrations. Structural engineers, I salute you! That class was so hard and I was never so relieved to make a C!

What about you all, what class were you grateful for passing?
Structural Matrix analysis

I finished undergrad in Mechanical, Thermal/Fluids track.

Between all the degrees and almost 9 years of school I racked up enough chemistry and chemical engineering credits that I'd be able to qualify at a GS-1320 Chemist. Never was a chemistry minor though. Realistically I the chem courses I took, with one exception, never got above the technical level of Gen Chem 102, despite that I've taken a few graduate level chemistry classes! The exception was a graduate level Nuclear Chemical Engineering course. It was cross listed NE and ChE, and the work was done in interdisciplinary groups. The nukes did the nuclear stuff, the chemies did the chemical stuff. We both looked at the others work as if it was magic. So even then I wasn't really exposed to it.

Got to do some exotic heavy metal, and actinide chemistry, and some ultra high thermochemsitry professionally. But I was a manager on those projects so never had to do the technical nitty gritty myself.

What about you all, what class were you grateful for passing?
I am so grateful that I didn't have to take statics or dynamics in college to get my ChE degree. Although in retrospect if I had known my career would actually be in mechanical engineering I may have made different choices.

Funny story - I took bowling as an elective for a grade. I got a D. If I had taken it pass/fail, I would have failed.

I am so grateful that I didn't have to take statics or dynamics in college to get my ChE degree. Although in retrospect if I had known my career would actually be in mechanical engineering I may have made different choices.

Funny story - I took bowling as an elective for a grade. I got a D. If I had taken it pass/fail, I would have failed.
I"m terrible at bowling so I would have gotten a D too!

Nah, thermo was really interesting and pretty straight forward once you realized that things can only go in a certain direction due to energy.  Like you can't suddenly combust, there needs to be a reason why.
It's almost as if the entire universe is governed by those two unbreakable laws.

Not that the zeroeth or third are any more unbreakable, but the first two are pretty damn important.

I"m terrible at bowling so I would have gotten a D too!
My then-boyfriend (now husband) bowled on leagues so it's endlessly funny to him that I'm so terrible at it. Last time we went bowling my 6 year old beat me 😂. In my defense, I wasn't allowed to use the bumpers.

I don't know what that is, but it sounds awful.
It was fun... sort of.  Except when the professor gave us a 1 hr 40 minute test, that took me over an hour to write out the matrices for one of the 4 problems.  So I didn't have time to solve the problem.  I still got an A.

Ok so everyone talking about thermo has me thinking about the classes I thought I would fail, but ended up passing...to this day, I am shocked I did not fail Dynamics and Vibrations. Structural engineers, I salute you! That class was so hard and I was never so relieved to make a C!

What about you all, what class were you grateful for passing?
I was grateful to pass my material mechanics course.  Everything was in Angstroms and I wanted to cry.

Also, my favorite class was horseback riding as gym.  Got to a really nice level/enjoyed it.  Was thinking about joining the polo team, but I pumped the brakes on that when I was in Junior year.

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