October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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did you hate it as much as i did?
I remember I kind of liked my teacher. She was a little out there, but a very smart lady, and also very nice and encouraging. Our final was to create a game within it, and we got to work in pairs. A friend and I put together a little program that had a stick figure get up and out of bed, start his day, and then proceed to go play reverse hang man. So, whenever you got a letter right in the word, a body part of his would fall off. We counted hands and feet too, so we could get longer words in there.

It's almost 5pm...but I got in late today.  And if I stay late today, I can make up for yesterday that I took off due to an eye infection. 
That's not how it works. If you arrive late you,  make up for it by leaving early.

Or at least that's what a former coworker would always do. I'm so happy I no longer work there.

That's not how it works. If you arrive late you,  make up for it by leaving early.

Or at least that's what a former coworker would always do. I'm so happy I no longer work there.
If I arrive late, do I say f-it and just use PPL? or work longer hours so I can technically keep taking vacation without billing it?

Pretty much the first four years of work for me was in the field taking litho, sampling, and drilling.  I think I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't working at the place I was pulling 70+ hour weeks with no OT.  I'd love to check out Texas!  On LI/NY area everything is just sandy silt or bedrock.  Nothing too exciting.
70 hrs without overtime, ughhhhhh.

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