October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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and i took some math class that satisfied a computer science and my calc 2 course, with a program called mathmatica????

so everything was typed into a program and solved....except the exams were pencil and paper and no calculators and you couldn't trial and error the input like WTF DID I DO TO MYSELF
I took a Mathematica class! http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/

I'm not allowed to go in the field anymore...I got to do a day of sonic drilling before I got a call pretty much saying "Why are you in the field?  Get back here and write!"

I am an indoor cat scratching their nails against the backdoor.
Haha I have a love/hate relationship with field work so that sounds like an ideal situation to me. I can't complain though, I definitely don't go out very often and certainly not at the frequency that our geologists or even younger engineers do.  I AM slightly jealous of the younger staff who have already gotten to travel out of state for their work.  Wasn't in the cards for me, all my field jobs have been in Texas.

My dad eats spam, eggs and grits at least three times a week. Grew up on that! Spam on spam post. 

Haha I have a love/hate relationship with field work so that sounds like an ideal situation to me. I can't complain though, I definitely don't go out very often and certainly not at the frequency that our geologists or even younger engineers do.  I AM slightly jealous of the younger staff who have already gotten to travel out of state for their work.  Wasn't in the cards for me, all my field jobs have been in Texas.
Pretty much the first four years of work for me was in the field taking litho, sampling, and drilling.  I think I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't working at the place I was pulling 70+ hour weeks with no OT.  I'd love to check out Texas!  On LI/NY area everything is just sandy silt or bedrock.  Nothing too exciting.

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