October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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Ok so everyone talking about thermo has me thinking about the classes I thought I would fail, but ended up passing...to this day, I am shocked I did not fail Dynamics and Vibrations. Structural engineers, I salute you! That class was so hard and I was never so relieved to make a C!

What about you all, what class were you grateful for passing?
i passed anthropology with a D+ because it was after my 8am, 4 hour design studio class (that regularly had long nights of work prior) and the following lunch, and i figured i would prefer to sleep in my bed than in the chair at lecture most days...

I don't know which is worse. Eating at taco bell, or being unable to afford taco bell.
Taco Bell is trash food at it' finest, but those are not what I spend my taco stipend on.  There are a bunch of really good/authentic places around here that I can't resist.  I can't say no to a ton of pupusas.

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i passed anthropology with a D+ because it was after my 8am, 4 hour design studio class (that regularly had long nights of work prior) and the following lunch, and i figured i would prefer to sleep in my bed than in the chair at lecture most days...
I wish studio had been at 8 am, ours was at 12:30, so had class till 4:30 M-W-F.  Ugh.  It sucked.

What about you all, what class were you grateful for passing?
Graduate Advanced Mechanics of Materials.

Prior semesters it was an easy A. Difficulty level on par with a 200 level class.

New professor the semester I took it. He didn't get that message about the proscribed intensity level. He renamed the class "continuum mechanics", and it taught it as  multi-variable tensor calculus. His GRADED homework assignments were literally do the 30 problems at the end of the chapter. Each problem took an hour+ to solve. I did more studying and homework for that one single class than I did for my three masters degrees combined*!

Really struggled the first half of the semester, on pace for D, in part because of a stubborn cold. To this day: I still don't know how I got an A-. FWIW I barely remember how to do anything we "learned" in that class either.

*less that class of course

I finished undergrad in Mechanical, Thermal/Fluids track.

Between all the degrees and almost 9 years of school I racked up enough chemistry and chemical engineering credits that I'd be able to qualify at a GS-1320 Chemist. Never was a chemistry minor though. Realistically I the chem courses I took, with one exception, never got above the technical level of Gen Chem 102, despite that I've taken a few graduate level chemistry classes! The exception was a graduate level Nuclear Chemical Engineering course. It was cross listed NE and ChE, and the work was done in interdisciplinary groups. The nukes did the nuclear stuff, the chemies did the chemical stuff. We both looked at the others work as if it was magic. So even then I wasn't really exposed to it.

Got to do some exotic heavy metal, and actinide chemistry, and some ultra high thermochemsitry professionally. But I was a manager on those projects so never had to do the technical nitty gritty myself.
Wow, this logged in in a weird place in the thread. ah oh well


Graduate Advanced Mechanics of Materials.

Prior semesters it was an easy A. Difficulty level on par with a 200 level class.

New professor the semester I took it. He didn't get that message about the proscribed intensity level. He renamed the class "continuum mechanics", and it taught it as  multi-variable tensor calculus. His GRADED homework assignments were literally do the 30 problems at the end of the chapter. Each problem took an hour+ to solve. I did more studying and homework for that one single class than I did for my three masters degrees combined*!

Really struggled the first half of the semester, on pace for D, in part because of a stubborn cold. To this day: I still don't know how I got an A-. FWIW I barely remember how to do anything we "learned" in that class either.

*less that class of course
Dang that sounds terrible, but awesome that you ended up with an A!

I wish studio had been at 8 am, ours was at 12:30, so had class till 4:30 M-W-F.  Ugh.  It sucked.
I think my first year we had studio mwf but it was at 8am, after that I wanna say we had like Tues/thurs, but 6 hour sessions. I frequently had little or no classes on mondays and fridays thru school. lol


and i took some math class that satisfied a computer science and my calc 2 course, with a program called mathmatica????

so everything was typed into a program and solved....except the exams were pencil and paper and no calculators and you couldn't trial and error the input like WTF DID I DO TO MYSELF

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