Obma Tax plan Explanation

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when my wife had her business, honest to god every quarter she would send in one months salary over to the government (or close to it). They make it very difficult for anyone to want to start your own business, its not as rosy as people think.

There are probably a lot of people who make over $300K / year. But Obama always said "Families" who make over $250K / year, so two college educated people making $125K/year each is not really "out there"

I wont speak for those making $300K/year but I would imagine they would feel a little better paying a little more, if we would also ask those at the bottom of the tax bracket to pay a little more also, maybe 1% for every 10% the "rich" have to pay.

There are people out there who need honest to goodness help, and then there are a lot of real worthless people who dont deserve a damn thing also.

Good point. Their poor health care must help explain why Canada's life expectancy is higher then ours in the good ole U.S. of A.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_count...life_expectancy

mater of fact I see lots of countries with those terrible universal health care systems higher then us on that list. Or maybe we are just working ourselves to death while they sit on their ***** and take money from their governments.
I don't know which places have better healthcare, but although this is one statistic you can put in the mix, it proves nothing. A better or aditional way would be to look at success rates for people with similar diseases. You should also look at demographic differences - African Amercians and Hispanics have much lower life expectancies. True, it may partly becuase they don't have access to the same health care, but it is also because of cultural differences regarding diet, as well as just physiological differences. I don't know which system is better, but just looking at life expectancy is no smoking gun. And I don't know where Andorra even is.

Let me add that I don't know of anybody poor who can't get health care. If you are on disability you can ultimately get Medicare. It is primarily the working poor who have problems with health care, but it can also be a lot of young people who want to spend their money on other things.

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I don't know which places have better healthcare, but although this is one statistic you can put in the mix, it proves nothing.

Good grief, you jump on me for bringing up something like life expectancy as a measure of a countries health care system (which I will agree is not a perfect measure but it can give a reasonable indication of the level of overall health of a nation) but you have no problem with Chucktown arbitrarily and falsely saying that if you are over 70 under a system of universal health care you are doomed.

I have family over the age of 70 in countries with universal health care. They have had to use it. They are not dead.

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but you have no problem with Chucktown arbitrarily and falsely saying that if you are over 70 under a system of universal health care you are doomed.
I have family over the age of 70 in countries with universal health care. They have had to use it. They are not dead.
Okay, I doubt that is true either. But you already jumped on him.

I think if we could come up with a reasonable way to insure everybody that wouldn't bankrupt the country that would be okay with me.

Anecdotally, from numerous posts to websites, I know that elderly people do get procedures and treatment in countries with universal healthcare. But it is not perfect by any means and I read a lot from them about having to wait long times for things like echocardiograms and cardiac stress tests. So I have no real statistics.

I will gather some of my sources together tonight and post them tomorrow. As benbo stated, the cure rates for most diseases are abysmal in countries with universal health care.

If you are healthy then universal health care is no problem.

And Sapper, it seems like I remember Walter Reed, a government hospital, as not exactly being one of the most exemplary facilities in the country. In addition, your healthcare plan was not even close to universal. The bottom line is that more government is not the answer to this problem. This is basic supply and demand. If we increase the demand by giving everyone access to "free" healthcare then there will not be enough supply and in come the bureaucrats to ration healthcare. Currently, the government engages in a wonderful system of limiting supply, thereby driving up prices. But you know, the government does such a wonderful job at managing everything else, from wars to the economy, to housing, to infrastructure, to taxes, and energy, why don't we give them control of our ******* healthcare while we're at it. I'm sure they'll get that right.

I'm with you, Sapper. Maybe getting out of the country for a while and seeing how other people live gives a different perspective.

well the dow dropped another 486 points today, you would have thought there might be a little rally today?

I will gather some of my sources together tonight and post them tomorrow. As benbo stated, the cure rates for most diseases are abysmal in countries with universal health care.
You really don't have to do that. I'm sure you will be able to dig up some story about how horrible universal health care is. Just like I'm sure you could find evidence of the many flaws our current system has.

Back to taxes...

...I want to pay more, b/c that must mean I'm earning more. :eyebrows:

SapperPE said:
Honestly, how many people in the US make a $300,000 per year paycheck? And, if you do, suck it up and pay the taxes, you still take home more every month than damn near everybody else in the world does, and you still have your nice car, beautiful home, and $75 steak dinners. Jesus, why is it that when a man comes around with lightyears more advanced concepts in human rights, overarching benefits for ALL citizens, and a willingness to avoid debt financing a strategic policy that is largely questioned by a great many very intelligent and combat tested military general officers, you still have blind followers of dogmatic faith and righteous indignation questioning a tax plan that is in all principles no different than any other candidates policy and very likely will not make any dent in your personal wealth? Why can't people see beyond the end of their paycheck?
I'm SapperPE and I approve of this message.
:appl: well said Sapper.
