Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise: Notes, Goals, and Resources (these people just keep talking about crossfit)

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I know for me Its hard to work in extra body weight stuff when you are also working out with weights throughout the week - I'll try and go warm up to do some dead hangs or something in the garage to help with pull ups and then my shoulders are like - nope! (But I try and not let it get me down)

We had a lot of P/U today and by round 5 I was on singles and the young woman next to me was banging out set of 10 - very annoying...:D

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Our coach, who is fit as hell, just volunteered that it took her two years to get a real pull up. It made me feel better about taking my sweet time at it. 

OKAY.  New year, new jk (I'm lying).  Want to try and keep better track of what I'm doing at the gym and what I'm eating.  @squaretaper LIT AF PE is watching me in MFP, to make sure I'm logging everything/everyday, even if it's bad, and I'm going to try and be semi-serious about meal prepping two lunches at a time so I don't have an excuse if I wake up late and forget to pack anything.

Main goal: try to keep moving.

I'm logging everything/everyday, even if it's bad, and I'm going to try and be semi-serious about meal prepping
This is just a ploy to keep myself accountable. I'm horrible about consistently logging (even though I 100% agree with its merits) so I'm using you as a prop to avoid being a hypocrite. Thanks prop!

This is just a ploy to keep myself accountable. I'm horrible about consistently logging (even though I 100% agree with its merits) so I'm using you as a prop to avoid being a hypocrite. Thanks prop!
We can try and pull MJ into it, though she won't go for it.  I'm also trying to limit/stop all eating after 8pm.  I tend to snack, but if that happens, again, before 8pm and it's okay.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, my gym is doing a 'wellness/nutrition; thing for the first three months of the year for free (for current members).  Not sure if they're doing this for marketing/to get people interested in the future, or what, but I foolishly signed up for it when I was avoiding real work yesterday.

Also.  I went to the gym yesterday.  I haven't gone there since 12/7 due to quarantining so I could travel to NY/be in NY for over two weeks.  We had burpees and max out bench press.  Burpees killed me/I was coughing so hard at the end of class.  Like, all my cardio had disappeared, what little I had.  But!  On the other hand, even though I haven't lifted in a while and was feeling weak, I did get a bar + 30kg + 10lb max on bench press (so almost 110 lb bench press).

And I stopped eating at around 8pm.  I had crazy cravings at around 9pm, but I instead focused that into cleaning out some stuff in my apartment that I've been meaning to donate.  I want to start super seriously decluttering.  I mean, I don't have as much as I used to (since I moved literally by stuffing my car/my dad bringing some stuff in his car), but my mom made me bring more stuff back with me when I came back from NY, and I'm kinda I really need all this nail polish?  Do I really need all these backpacks?  I think I'm becoming more consumer conscious and it's horrible.

OKAY.  New year, new jk (I'm lying).  Want to try and keep better track of what I'm doing at the gym and what I'm eating.  @squaretaper LIT AF PE is watching me in MFP, to make sure I'm logging everything/everyday, even if it's bad, and I'm going to try and be semi-serious about meal prepping two lunches at a time so I don't have an excuse if I wake up late and forget to pack anything.

Main goal: try to keep moving.
(clears throat) "even if it's bad" assigns a moral compass to food and it's just food (steps down off of soap box)

(clears throat) "even if it's bad" assigns a moral compass to food and it's just food (steps down off of soap box)
Eh. It’s not the food that’s bad. It’s my portions. That’s what makes me cringe when I do my fitness pal. When I’m like “holy shit, I just ate 6 servings of 4 crackers. Fuuuuuuuuck”. I don’t regret the crackers. I regret the amount of them. And then I usually just...skip that day entering stuff in myfitnesspal. And I’m trying to avoid doing that going forward. 

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Last night was super hard.  Only did a deadlift of bar + 50kg + 20lb (~163lbs?  I think)?  I was just not feeling it/my arms were still dying from Monday plus I think the vaccine might have made me a little sore.  I am still a bit sore today (my shoulder and arms specifically), so I'm prob skipping the gym tonight so I can do a little grocery shopping and just relax a bit, and then I'll try to do Thursday/Friday/Saturday.

This is weird.

Last night was super hard.  Only did a deadlift of bar + 50kg + 20lb (~163lbs?  I think)?  I was just not feeling it/my arms were still dying from Monday plus I think the vaccine might have made me a little sore.  I am still a bit sore today (my shoulder and arms specifically), so I'm prob skipping the gym tonight so I can do a little grocery shopping and just relax a bit, and then I'll try to do Thursday/Friday/Saturday.

This is weird.
Welcome to Weak Sauce Land. I'm the president. 

Welcome to Weak Sauce Land. I'm the president. 
jk = always a weak sauce.

Didn't go on Thursday, because I totes died.  Not sure if it was vaccine or a crappy sleep schedule, but I was down for the count on Thursday and didn't go into work/slept more than 12+ hours.

Going to the gym tonight and tomorrow.  I hope the residual soreness I have in my shoulders will go away soon.

Okay.  Worked out Friday and Saturday.  Our accessory workouts are somehow worse than the conditioning workouts.

Friday was floor press, which was weird and did not make me happy, followed by lots of arm stuff (like...thrusters.  And skiing for calories).  Saturday was back squat, but tempo'd 2-down and 2-up (no pause).  It totally sucked because you'd get to the bottom and couldn't go crazy explosive up.  I did get bar + 20kg + 50lb (too lazy to convert), so I guess that is okay?  But then we did more hang cleans and hang clean presses with a little jogging.

I have not really done any cardio since 12/7, except for this week, so I'm getting so crazy cardio cough afterwards (never during).  Having a ragged cough is not that great of a thing during the times of Rona.

Blah blah blah, let's get the forum up again. Did front squat yesterday. It was more tempo, with a 3-second pause at the bottom, which makes it very hard to load up on weight and get something real going on. My two final sets were of bar + 20kg + 30 lbs total. We also did barbell eccentric pulls-ups. It was horrible. Our conditioning was 1:30 on/:30s off of rotating row/ski/bike and AMRAP 20 jump lunges and 5 devils press. Devils press wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be?
Blah blah blah, let's get the forum up again. Did front squat yesterday. It was more tempo, with a 3-second pause at the bottom, which makes it very hard to load up on weight and get something real going on. My two final sets were of bar + 20kg + 30 lbs total. We also did barbell eccentric pulls-ups. It was horrible. Our conditioning was 1:30 on/:30s off of rotating row/ski/bike and AMRAP 20 jump lunges and 5 devils press. Devils press wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be?
What's a barbell eccentric pull-up?
What's a barbell eccentric pull-up?
Uh. So, we had the barbell racked lower to the ground (like around knee height) and then you lay on the ground and did a kinda horizontal pull up? With a slow/2-second delayed drop back to the ground. It seems like it would be easy. It was not. I was dying in the second round.
Interval runs this morning. On another half marathon training plan with a friend, tryna be *actually* serious this time. With my busted-ass knees...shooting for 2.5 hours.
This is disgusting, but I'm happy you're getting back into it. Must account for all those fitbit steps. I'm just trying to get back into the gym routine after being gone from it so long. Hoping to get super strong!
I had to go into my office yesterday (wow, it feels weird to say that after largely working from home for the past ten months!!), and decided to bike commute, because why not? I was expecting to be totally gassed, especially on my bike ride home (as it's the uphill direction), but was pleasantly surprised with the speed and power of my ride! Mr. Leggo pointed out that by consistently working out and increasing my strength with my weight-training programs (thank you, Lauren Gleisberg!!), I likely had built up strength that helped me through my rides at a pace with which I was happy.

Also, I haven't done a pullup in I don't know HOW long, but I did 3 on Mr. Leggo's pull-up bar the other day! So that was cool!

I think consistency in working out (literally every morning, 5 days a week, and I try for a long bike ride or a run on the weekends, but my time is severely limited these days with my S.E. studying getting strongly into gear) is the key to my fitness. Well, that and nutrition. But I sound like a broken record, I'm sure!
Uh. So, we had the barbell racked lower to the ground (like around knee height) and then you lay on the ground and did a kinda horizontal pull up? With a slow/2-second delayed drop back to the ground. It seems like it would be easy. It was not. I was dying in the second round.
Inverted row?