Thanks for the invitation but we did pretty well by ourselves. We got 3# of boneless, skinless turkey breast (to be sure there were leftovers). And we did some things that are you usually disallowed at the in-laws' place: cheesecake instead of pie, whole organic cranberries, sausage and mushrooms in the stuffing, etc.:rotflmao:Rest assured that I didn’t shed any tears when my wife gave me the message.
If you really are looking for some homecooking for T-Day though and don't mind driving to Jackson my wife went bezerk on buying stuff for the dinner. I was like .. it's just the two of us and it's going to take you two whole days to cook all this stuff?!hmy:
I don't know if you saw the football thread but we stayed in Rantoul for our trip to the MSU @ Illinois game in October(after the hotel we booked in Urbana closed during the summer).The crying fit would almost always happen over Champaign Illinois. Given the state of his diaper when we landed, we kind of figured he was making a statement about U of I.
When I was very young, I lived just north of Champaign-Urbana in a little town called Rantoul - probably even more reason to cry being there! :rotflmao:as of late, a very true statement about u of i.
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