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Rest assured that I didn’t shed any tears when my wife gave me the message.

If you really are looking for some homecooking for T-Day though and don't mind driving to Jackson my wife went bezerk on buying stuff for the dinner. I was like .. it's just the two of us and it's going to take you two whole days to cook all this stuff?! :eek:hmy:

Thanks for the invitation but we did pretty well by ourselves. We got 3# of boneless, skinless turkey breast (to be sure there were leftovers). And we did some things that are you usually disallowed at the in-laws' place: cheesecake instead of pie, whole organic cranberries, sausage and mushrooms in the stuffing, etc.

The crying fit would almost always happen over Champaign Illinois. Given the state of his diaper when we landed, we kind of figured he was making a statement about U of I.

as of late, a very true statement about u of i.
When I was very young, I lived just north of Champaign-Urbana in a little town called Rantoul - probably even more reason to cry being there! :rotflmao:

I don't know if you saw the football thread but we stayed in Rantoul for our trip to the MSU @ Illinois game in October(after the hotel we booked in Urbana closed during the summer).

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For the first time in my life, I wont be having Thanksgiving with my immediate family...which apparently is making my mom all pissy, even though we have been telling her since he was born that we weren't going to make the trip up for thanksgiving. My sister called to thank me for making the past few days hell. I didn't go nuts shopping, but we are going to have a nice T-day just the 3 of us. Bought a turkey breast instead of a full turkey. Minisnick and a 4.5 hr drive would probably end up taking closer to 6 hrs...not something we wanted to do just yet.

Amen to that! We took baby ElCid on plane for the first time to Beantown. That was an interesting experience and I do not recommend it at all.

I always have a special reserve of anger reserved for people that decide to fly with infants.

As someone that travels often, please think twice before taking a plane ride with a child you cannot communicate with.

I usually just tell myself that maybe they are traveling to a hospital for some special treatment, but sometimes I still want to slap idiot parents around.

If Grandma wants to see the little darlings, SHE can travel to THEM.

We'll be taking Mini-ble on a plane this month to go to Peru for Christmas. I'm sure it's going to be a pain, but it's what we wanted to do. I really don't care if it bothers anyone else on the plane, cause we have just as much right to be on there as they do. I'm not going to limit what my family and I can do just because I have an infant, and I don't expect anyone else to either.

We'll be taking Mini-ble on a plane this month to go to Peru for Christmas. I'm sure it's going to be a pain, but it's what we wanted to do. I really don't care if it bothers anyone else on the plane, cause we have just as much right to be on there as they do. I'm not going to limit what my family and I can do just because I have an infant, and I don't expect anyone else to either.
How would you feel if I sat down next to you on a 12 hour flight with a blaring boombox of recordings of people running fingernails down a chalkboard? Sitting next to an infant on a plane is pretty comparable.

We'll be taking Mini-ble on a plane this month to go to Peru for Christmas. I'm sure it's going to be a pain, but it's what we wanted to do. I really don't care if it bothers anyone else on the plane, cause we have just as much right to be on there as they do. I'm not going to limit what my family and I can do just because I have an infant, and I don't expect anyone else to either.
How would you feel if I sat down next to you on a 12 hour flight with a blaring boombox of recordings of people running fingernails down a chalkboard? Sitting next to an infant on a plane is pretty comparable.

I'm with RW on this one. I have no problems with well behaved children at all on planes, and usually infants aren't a big deal. But it's the screaming toddlers that are usually the worst. When people dish out several hundred dollars to travel, they have a right to have some expectation of quiet, just as those who travel on planes not occupied by children. To me, it's no different than having some obnoxious gentlemen screaming while on the plane, being rude and loud in a restaurant, at the movies, etc.

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We'll be taking Mini-ble on a plane this month to go to Peru for Christmas. I'm sure it's going to be a pain, but it's what we wanted to do. I really don't care if it bothers anyone else on the plane, cause we have just as much right to be on there as they do. I'm not going to limit what my family and I can do just because I have an infant, and I don't expect anyone else to either.
How would you feel if I sat down next to you on a 12 hour flight with a blaring boombox of recordings of people running fingernails down a chalkboard? Sitting next to an infant on a plane is pretty comparable.
I agree.

How would you feel if I sat down next to you on a 12 hour flight with a blaring boombox of recordings of people running fingernails down a chalkboard? Sitting next to an infant on a plane is pretty comparable.
Why not connect some headphones to the boombox and listen away ;) . There could be people who snore loudly, people that are half deaf and yell when they are talking, and folks that take up their seat and part of yours, but that doesn't mean you can stop them from getting on a plane with you. I realize that there is not much convincing of either side of this argument to change their mind, but really, I've never been all that comfortable on a plane anyway, so the crying babies really never bothered me.

I don’t know, I’ve flown quite a lot and been on planes with a lot of infants and I’ve yet to be with one that cried more than a little on take-off and landing. Mainly they just sleep. I’ve been on with a lot of obnoxious people though, who refuse to follow the rules and get belligerent when someone suggests that they do.

There were about three babies on my flights to and from South America last summer, absolutely no problem. There was a guy coming back from some Habitat for Humanity mission or something in the jungle who apparently drank some bad water and crapped all over himself, and ruined a bathroom so bad they had to close it. I don’t think it was Fudgey, but I would have preferred a crying baby.

My sis-in-law's personal solution to the problem is Nyquil... You didn't hear that from me. :ph34r:

We took our kids to FLA when they were ~5-6. The younger one was sitting next to his mother and there was a kid about the same age sitting in the seat behind my son. The other kid kept kicking my son's seat. My wife turned around and the other kid's mother looked at her and said "well he's only 5". My son piped up and said "I'm 5 too and I know how to sit still on a plane." The look on the other mother's face was classic.

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I took the red-eye from San Francisco to Charlotte, NC one time and had a screaming infant behind me the entire trip. I'm suprised there wasn't a general uprising among the rest of the passengers. I'm with RW.

How would you feel if I sat down next to you on a 12 hour flight with a blaring boombox of recordings of people running fingernails down a chalkboard? Sitting next to an infant on a plane is pretty comparable.
I realize that there is not much convincing of either side of this argument to change their mind, but really, I've never been all that comfortable on a plane anyway, so the crying babies really never bothered me.
I'm w/ ya Ble. 99% of people complaining about this very thing don't have kids. I can put headphones on & ignore a crying infant - wish i could do the same thing when i'm stuck next to a 300lb individual who's taking up 1/4 of my space on top of all his. Universally, ill mannered, rude, and / or obese adults ruin airline travel for me waayyy more than any crying baby ever has.

We'll be taking Mini-ble on a plane this month to go to Peru for Christmas. I'm sure it's going to be a pain, but it's what we wanted to do. I really don't care if it bothers anyone else on the plane, cause we have just as much right to be on there as they do. I'm not going to limit what my family and I can do just because I have an infant, and I don't expect anyone else to either.
Just because you have a right to do something, doesn't make you right in doing it. The airline will sell you a ticket for junior because they like money, but that doesn't make you any less of a ********* for bringing a screaming kid on a plane and then acting completely flippant about it.

You better pray there's no such thing as karma.

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I think there are quite a few intolerant people on this board. We flew with our son when he was 1-1/2 twice. They were short flights but we were going on vacation one time to see family and the other time was for a wedding. I'm not sure what people with children are supposed to do according to the intolerant ones. I guess just drive everywhere?

I've never flown with my kids but hear screaming kids on the planes all the time. I feel sorry for the parents, you know they're not happy about pissing everyone off. But seriously though, who expects a day at the spa when flying across the country in a day?

My sis-in-law's personal solution to the problem is Nyquil... You didn't hear that from me. :ph34r:
Sudafed worked for us when we took our then 8mo old to San Diego (he's 4.5 yrs now).

I've never flown with my kids but hear screaming kids on the planes all the time. I feel sorry for the parents, you know they're not happy about pissing everyone off. But seriously though, who expects a day at the spa when flying across the country in a day?

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We'll be taking Mini-ble on a plane this month to go to Peru for Christmas. I'm sure it's going to be a pain, but it's what we wanted to do. I really don't care if it bothers anyone else on the plane, cause we have just as much right to be on there as they do. I'm not going to limit what my family and I can do just because I have an infant, and I don't expect anyone else to either.
Just because you have a right to do something, doesn't make you right in doing it. The airline will sell you a ticket for junior because they like money, but that doesn't make you any less of a ********* for bringing a screaming kid on a plane and then acting completely flippant about it.

You better pray there's no such thing as karma.
damn dude, pull the talons :mad2: out a little

I think there are quite a few intolerant people on this board.
^ yah, see above.

a little more towards my point about people who complain about this. I mentioned sitting next to a fattie far annoys me more than a kid screaming behind me or wherever. I'm not obese - ergo, its easy to say 99-100% of people complaining about obese people on airplanes are not themselves obese - doesn't mean all those fatties dont got a right to fly, right next to you!

So just cuz you don't got kids doesnt mean everyone who does should be restricted in their travel plans, anymore than the chub-a-lubs who invariably end up sitting next to me. <_<

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a little more towards my point about people who complain about this. I mentioned sitting next to a fattie far annoys me more than a kid screaming behind me or wherever. I'm not obese - ergo, its easy to say 99-100% of people complaining about obese people on airplanes are not themselves obese - doesn't mean all those fatties dont got a right to fly, right next to you!
So just cuz you don't got kids doesnt mean everyone who does should be restricted in their travel plans, anymore than the chub-a-lubs who invariably end up sitting next to me. <_<
but it also doesn't mean that the obese or the parents shouldn't at least consider how their plans could affect others. If you know your children do not handle travel well, maybe you should consider NOT flying. I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to fly, but you should at least attempt to take precautions.

I know, heaven forbid someone think of someone else...

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