You know what really pisses me off? Fat babies on airplanes.
While I agree with you about the overreaction to babies on flights (see my post above), there is one slight difference with obese passengers. An obese passenger affects at most two people on either side of them. A wailing baby on a plane can disturb the entire compartment. But, like I said above, I think these complaints about babies are way over the top, at least fro my experience.its true, people should think of others (goes both ways) - but hell its f'n public transportation, not your personal leer jet! Crying kids get on my nerves too. Luckily, my children who flew just recently at ages 3.5 & 5 did great! No meltdowns, no kicking chairs, no multiple runs to the can. But was only 2.5 hr flight too. With a baby or toddler thats upset, chances are, eventually he'll calm down or conk out. Unfortunately, a rotund passenger next to you isn't gonna be dropping any weight or taking up any less room during the entire flight! But like i say, grin & bear it, its just public transportation. otherwise, save up & fly first class & quit yer bitchin or drive if it bugs you so much - just sayin...
Sounds good to meI'm not sure what people with children are supposed to do according to the intolerant ones. I guess just drive everywhere?
So I'm a ********* for wanting to take my kid with me and my wife so we can celebrate Christmas with her 83 year old grandmother who might not have many Christmases left? And how do you know that I have a screaming kid? I hope and pray that mini-ble does not cry too much during our flights, but if he does, I'll just do my best to calm him down. The longest leg of our flight is about 2.5 hours, so I'm not too concerned with disrupting peoples beauty rest.Just because you have a right to do something, doesn't make you right in doing it. The airline will sell you a ticket for junior because they like money, but that doesn't make you any less of a ********* for bringing a screaming kid on a plane and then acting completely flippant about it.
You better pray there's no such thing as karma.
yesSo I'm a ********* for wanting to take my kid with me and my wife so we can celebrate Christmas with her 83 year old grandmother who might not have many Christmases left?
+1.since I've had kids, I am desensitized to the sound of other kids crying. I just smile and be glad it's not mine.
Same here...I have 3 kids, 5, 2 and 3 months. I don't even notice other kids screaming anymore, and if I do happen to hear it, I feel bad for the parent because I know they are doing everything they can to try to keep the kid quiet, and they can't help the situation anymore than you can.since I've had kids, I am desensitized to the sound of other kids crying. I just smile and be glad it's not mine.
Call me intolerant, but I try to live my life without disturbing others. All I ask is the same courtesy be extended to me. Apparently that's too much to ask.
Yes it can. Drive. My parents did it. You can do it, too.In all seriousness, let's just say sometimes it can't be avoided.
Yes it can. Drive. My parents did it. You can do it, too.In all seriousness, let's just say sometimes it can't be avoided.
That's why I love freedom of speech. I am free to call you a *********.So I was supposed to drive 26 hours to go to a wedding so some ********* on a plane wouldn't be inconvenienced for 15 minutes while my son was a little fussy when the plane was descending? That's why I love the free market. If the airline didn't want me or my son to fly with them, they wouldn't have sold me the ticket.
You totally agree with me that Chucktown is a *********?^Totally agree with you.