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^ indeed. It was quite a shoot-out.

Hey Snick, did the Saints come marching in? ;)
I guess they did...we didn't watch the game though we were installing drywall in our basement. None of the radios we have were able to pick up the AM frequency for the radio broadcast. We are just on the outer edge of the signal to reach us but the newer stereos don't have a strong enough am receiver. Our old could but this new one not so much.

^ indeed. It was quite a shoot-out.

Hey Snick, did the Saints come marching in? ;)
I guess they did...we didn't watch the game though we were installing drywall in our basement. None of the radios we have were able to pick up the AM frequency for the radio broadcast. We are just on the outer edge of the signal to reach us but the newer stereos don't have a strong enough am receiver. Our old could but this new one not so much.
You could also use the internet to either listen to the game and/or watch the game live. Just sayin'. :)

^ indeed. It was quite a shoot-out.

Hey Snick, did the Saints come marching in? ;)
I guess they did...we didn't watch the game though we were installing drywall in our basement. None of the radios we have were able to pick up the AM frequency for the radio broadcast. We are just on the outer edge of the signal to reach us but the newer stereos don't have a strong enough am receiver. Our old could but this new one not so much.
You could also use the internet to either listen to the game and/or watch the game live. Just sayin'. :)
nope the internets and cable were disconnected yesterday as that was the area of the basement we were working on yesterday.

^ and no Wi-Fi/Broadband access either? :facepalm:
nope. The only thing we might have been able to use was mr snick's work phone as a hot spot for WIFI, but it was on the charger and he doesn't have unlimited data anymore so he has to watch what he uses for personal use. Like 3-4 of them share a data package for work.

Wow Atlanta.....just wow. You couldn't beat the Jets? Really?! And there goes my suicide league for the year. :eek:ldman:

<--- Was cheering when the Jets kicked the fieldgoal. (because it eliminated 16 more people from my survivor league)...

On the plus side, I did pick Atlanta to win earlier this season and they did win.

The local newspaper is calling it "The worst night in Atlanta sports history". When you combine the pathetic performance of the Falcons with the Braves snatching defeat from the jaws of victory it's hard not to agree.

I was hoping this last game, then Tampa Bay, then Carolina would be a nice easy stretch to help them recover from playing some solid teams early in the season..

I dont know what the hell the did in the offseason. guess they played spades..

^^^ Headline on ESPN says that Julio Jones could end up missing the rest of the season with a foot injury...

I actually wanted the Giants to win last night. Granted it was only because it would mean 3 more people eliminated from my survivor league.

But there is something special about watching Eli do his best Romo impression to end a game...

Ya I was surprised they scored as many points as they did against the Bears. The end of the game for NY was just painful to watch. Think they would sit Manning out? Who's 2nd in line? Either way, Coughlin is probably done after this year, if not during the year. LOL
