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Wow, just read today is the 4 year anniversary of 59-0 over the "Oilers" in Foxborough. I went to that game. Sat right in the end zone where they scored 5 times in 1 quarter. The snow, the kickass red throwbacks, and cathcing some guy's 5x glove is one of my favorite sporting events ever.

So VT, about that game...


^^^Picture is too cluttered. Should have used a wider aperture (a smaller f.stop) to capture more details...

(Sorry...I just had my first photography class last Saturday and am trying to apply what I learned!!!!)

It's the Jets. It's rare I get to gloat!

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You must have thrown that phone as hard as Andrew Luck!

It's not my actual phone. Mine is in about 4-5 pieces, but I can't take a pic of it because it's my only camera...

Ya what happened to Denver? They screwed up my pick 'em league! As did New England! I guess the Packers will have to take it all the way. ;)
