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I really dont know how Adrian Peterson played yesterday..
No kidding. What a horrible thing to happen...
IMO, he didn't really seem to broken up over it. I understand the work is your refuge, but since the mother and kid were off living in South Dakota while he was up in Minnesota, it kinda makes me wonder how attached he really was to his son...

Josh Freeman starting for the Vikes Monday (Not that I care) I thought he was doing half way decent 2 years ago in tampa

First I want to say I totally love Breasts, and hate Breast cancer, but I think the NFL’s pink out at all these football games is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen…. I think it’s over awareness and drounds out the message..

I also see now the pee wee football leagues are doing this same thing and it just makes me want to puke..

My wife HATES all of the Susan P Komen crap (and she's part of a family with a long list of breast cancer victims/survivors). Most of it because there are so many other diseases out there that get thrown to the side because they don't deal with tits, balls, or balding.

Wilfork done. Mayo done. Talib out. No Ridley or Vereen. Amendola is having a heavy flow week. Just great.
Ridley is ok and is planning on playing although Edleman is questionable

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